this message may be offensive
just wanted to say, if you feed off of asian culture and refuse to acknowledge all the racism and hate they deal with, you a bitch and you’re the root of the problem. asian people aren’t the butt of your jokes. they’re aren’t the “model minority” everyone so badly wants them to be. they deal with a lot of shit and it’s disgusting how normalized it is. a navy vet was killed after a police officer knelt on his neck for five minutes. remind you of anything ??? he was having a mental health crisis and instead of helping him, the police assumed he was a threat and murdered him. an elderly man was bum-rushed when he was out taking a walk. he died from his injuries days later. a man was stabbed with a butcher knife simply because someone didn’t like the way he’d looked at them. these sickos even set an elderly woman on fire. can we please NOT normalize this ??? this is racism. it’s hatred. and it’s stupid. please educate yourself on all the shit the asian community has to deal with. sign petitions (@/nextshark on instagram is a good place to start). or for the love of biscuits, just PAY ATTENTION. call out family/friends or even strangers when they say out of pocket shit. or if you yourself are an insensitive asshole, tAKE SOME TIME TO REFLECT. imagine if these people were your family or friends. have some empathy. if anyone ever needs to talk about anything—EVER—i’m here. always. we may have our differences when it comes to backgrounds and experiences, but at the end of the day we’re all people and should learn how to co-exist without spreading hatred for zero reason. sending love xx

Hey, sorry for shameless promoting but please check out my story..... https://my.w.tt/YEvVilVzecb Ray of Sunshine☀ It's not completed though...........Please read, vote and share. Thanks❤

I'm your 500th follower Love meh betch Jk jk

Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️

@ScarlettBlackDaisy ahh it’s no problem. it’s a really well written story and i identify so much with the characters. thank you for writing it <33

hello fellow wattpadians. Maybe you’ve heard about it, maybe you haven’t, but black people are being brutalized simply for being black. George Floyd was murdered unjustifiably, and the government is shielding the police officer who did it simply because he was a police officer and cops only protect themselves. That’s it. Derek Chauvin was charged with third degree murder—meaning that they claim he murdered an innocent man unintentionally when media and research and blatant fact and common sense SHOWS that he had intent. He should be charged with murder in the first degree. He should be punished accordingly for the crime he committed and the life he stole. Protests are happening to get justice for George Floyd and the rest of the black community. They began peacefully with activists marching peacefully and chanting peacefully. Only when the situation was manipulated and the police got violent did things escalate. Where was the tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets when the white people were throwing tantrums about their stupid haircuts, huh? BLACK PEOPLE ARE DYING AT THE HANDS OF LAW ENFORCERS MEANT TO PROTECT THEM. we’re f*cking dying, and we need people to speak up. so here are some links. please do your part. use your voice. because we as black people, as humans and people who feel and hurt, need your help. remember that if this is too much to deal with, you have every right to take some time to yourself. there’s no shame in not having the mental stability to handle a situation like this. your health matters <33 stay safe out there, beautiful people. i love you all and i hope this movement brings about the change needed. TEXT “FLOYD” TO 55156 AND SIGN !! https://t.co/nP05EJ6JPO?amp=1

hey bb i seriously doubt you remember me (my account name used to be @rev_28 ) but i just wanted to pop in and say i miss you and the rest of the gang. it's been wayy too long... anyways yeah love you girl hope you're well and safe pssst stay active on my discord server smh

@currently-cosmogyral yeaah i felt that. hopefully things get back to normal soon ): i haven’t talked to the other girls in a while tbh but i’m glad you decided to say hey!! i’m here if you need anything <33

this message may be
yeah i'm doing alright bro. idk everything seems fucked lately and i logged into wattpad after forever to try to remember when shit was simple, thought id say hi. i checked everyone else's profile, idk if theyre active so i reached out to you. miss you babes, have a great day love! xxx

@rey-is-cosmogyral omg hey!! i remember you and the rest of the cool name crew!! how have you beenn, girlie? it feels like it’s been forever since we last talked :”( i hope life has been good to you!! (y’know...besides the whole pandemic and quarantine thing akshssjsj) sorry about your discord server btw i’m really inactive on that lol but i hope we can all catch up soon because i miss you too!! xx

the only goal i have in life is to punch this corona bitch in the face.

really really love your profile picture♡

tHe aMouNt oF fLaVor oMfG mY EARS