
Q&R of my master, god of fantasy. I remember reading his short story, a genesis of his trilogy (NYT's bestseller) which I had been looking for quite some time. Reading first few sentences moved me, because of his voicy style. Reading him was like meeting an old friend! <3


Witaj zapraszam do przeczytania opowiadania Set My Soul Alight (tłumaczenie) oraz Otchłań Życia. 
          Zasadniczo akcja zaczyna się, kiedy Edward opuszcza Bellę w Nowiu. Victoria postanawia, że zamiast wziąć sprawy w swoje ręce, najlepszą zemstą będzie powiedzenie Volturi o tym, iż  Isabella wie o istnieniu wampirów. Aro i niektórzy strażnicy udają się do Waszyngtonu, aby utrzymać sprawiedliwość.
          A następnie... Cóż musisz po prostu przeczytać...
          Opis drugiej książki jest znacznie dłuższy, także wejdź i przeczytaj. Może przypadnie ci do gustu. Tematyka HP.
          A jeżeli oglądałaś Teen Wolf i spodobał ci się ten serial, to zapraszam do mojej nowej książki "Nieposkromiona".


You've been in Wattpad for a year as not one follower ...? Awww , I CAN BE YOUR FIRST EVER WATTPAD FRIEND!! And honestly it's soooo sweet how you go on commenting for the fiction awards 


@ desirablesins  that's because I've sign up here only to read (but that changed recently xD ) AND I WOULD BE HONORED TO HAVE YOU AS MY FIRST EVER WATTPAD FRIEND! XD


@ withoutwingsifly  no, I am not our brloved Sir Rob, but it is funny to think that. Those Iftits were just a simple typo tho when i look at this now it is just hillarious, i didn't notice that before xd and the reason I'm commenting his books is simple: they are amazing and I really admire him (and I didn't read on wattpad very often till this summer, so his books are preatty much the only ones, but not for long) 
          Anyway, it was really nice to talk xd
          Now I feel a bit embarassed because of the typo, but I hope more people voted thanks to that :D