
not sure if this is a common wattpad experience but the grip ruelle/war of hearts had on the quotev fanfic community ... unparalleled. does my queen even know what a legend she is


@knv931 wait really?? I feel like she had a GRIP on the Harry Potter quotev fandom like a long long time ago (tori nicole, what a legend), especially with like the draco malfoy community 


@-infinitives bold of you to assume she still doesn’t have a grip on me (i was literally listening to her songs this morning)
          	  also i didn’t realize that was a common quotev experience lmaooo ironically i hardly saw any mention of her unless it’s abt shadowhunters


not sure if this is a common wattpad experience but the grip ruelle/war of hearts had on the quotev fanfic community ... unparalleled. does my queen even know what a legend she is


@knv931 wait really?? I feel like she had a GRIP on the Harry Potter quotev fandom like a long long time ago (tori nicole, what a legend), especially with like the draco malfoy community 


@-infinitives bold of you to assume she still doesn’t have a grip on me (i was literally listening to her songs this morning)
            also i didn’t realize that was a common quotev experience lmaooo ironically i hardly saw any mention of her unless it’s abt shadowhunters


hey guys!!! what's you're preferred updating method? like consistent updates once/week, batches of chapters released at the same time every few weeks, updating every day for like 2 weeks and then like a month break, or [insert other option here?] just trying to gauge for future fics!!!


once a week is perfect!


@ -infinitives  I think once a week would be cool, but maybe batches of chapters every few weeks could be easier for you to prewrite ? I don't know (by the way I need to catch up with your fic, I missed too many updates) :)


I subscribe to the leigh bardugo slow burn teachings meaning that aisara/jason will go through 50k words of straight up beefing, another 50k words of tentative trust, another 50k words of reluctant ally ship, and 50k words of i trust you implicitly and in those 200k words there will be no physical contact outside of combat/healing. will they kiss? is not the question, the question is, Will They Have A Single Conversation of Emotional Vulnerability Where Nobody is Betraying the Other


If Jason were to define childhood, it would be something like this—
          Childhood is pain. Childhood is the arena, the blood dribbling form his knuckles, the brand on his arm. Childhood is a blade to a traitor’s throat, the golden pin of Praetor, and the dagger in his hand/ Childhood is spring, childhood is fall, childhood is—
          Childhood is a fist to the jaw.
          In the limbo of Tisiphone’s strike, this is what Jason dreams of:
          CHAPTER SIXTEEN IS OUT!!! "extension of your arm (your fear)" featuring some good ol' hero complexes and a [tentative] development to aisara/jason's relationship (slowest slowburn of the century). also what's life like a fury showing you your dead broken dreams that your nemesis actually fulfilled instead of you. lol. anyways.


carnifex is actually proving to be an unyielding nightmare because it's already like 75k words at midpoint how ... how ma i supposed to write another 75k words. when will i be free. the whole fic was supposed to only be 60k. a fun summer project. where are we at


FREE ME!!!! [the prison is my own mind]


it was supposed to be a silly character exploration of dark! healer tendencies, it wasn't supposed to have pseudo interpretations of leo piper or reyna or extensive camp jupiter lore or primordials or- [dies]


the percy/praetor ideas be stirring … but I have to stay strong. i have to finish my other two fics first … but the demons …


The demons are actually biblical angels whispering salvation, promise they’re not leading you astray ;)


not to feed the demons but YES


“the themes would be too similar to carnifex” i tell myself. “you already have a wip percy jackson fic” i tell myself. but the demons won’t stop