Being in university really makes high school seem easy and fun now. Everyone talks about how much of a better environment uni is but that's only true if all your friends go to the same one as you and do the same course and go on the same days, because it's basically just a lifeless class filled with hundreds of people who don't know each other together for an hour where only the lecturer talks and then you go off to your next one. and seeing as I'm going to one of the top universities in Sydney which has some of the best social life and I literally only talk to my boyfriend really shows that just because it's everything for some people, it's also not for others I think it's made me appreciate everything more {especially money because my course costs 16000 a year:/} But yeah that was my little rant about how life sucks and I wish I was a still in high school with the small, hot classrooms and the rude teachers, because at least then I knew everyones names and they knew mine and I never felt alone :)
@-injvnnie That sounds so bad... But remember, we are here with you and we will be there when you feel sad also.. And the good news is even through University sucks, if you go through it and finish uni, then you will get a good job and become successful!