Favorite shows are teen wolf, the originals, criminal minds, Family guy and the walking dead. I love to read teen wolf fan fiction

Let's see I'm socially awkward, very shy, don't have many friends since I'm afraid to get close to people (since I have Pistanthrophobia), I give great advice to the people I care about or to anyone who needs someone to talk about their problems and need someone to listen without judging them (since I hate when people judge me when they don't know me or what I go through) I hate gossip, rumors and liars, I'm kindhearted, funny and sarcasm is my only defense.

My family and friends call me Jupiter. (I know weird right? But that was what my uncle started calling me when I was a kid, so I kind of stuck with it(Why? I have no clue, but I like it so yeah that's my nickname.)

I also dedicated chapters of my books my followers. (For me its a way of saying thank you for following.)
  • JoinedMarch 12, 2014

Last Message
-introvert- -introvert- Aug 16, 2015 06:06AM
@lookingup247 I'm glad to hear that my book helped you. That's all that I ever wanted for my books, I just want to help people who feel like the air is choking them and have no way to figure out, how...
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