
I’m still so pissed wattpad got rid of dms, there were so many rps in dms I wanted to go back and read for nostalgia’s sake


          	  I have some old  Dms since 2019 wtf wattpad and why can't we keep inbox messages


@Butterfly_1992_ (you’re fine!)
          	  FOR REAL like why get rid of the dms already there?? Why not keep those but just not have the option to make a new dm?? (Not that that was a good decision anyways, but it’s better than completely ridding ones we had!)


No for real! (Not to be a creep and comment on another post) but like, I used to LOVE going back and re-reading rps but they took that option away. I didn’t even like them removing DMs at all, but what purpose did deleting all of them serve??


I’m still so pissed wattpad got rid of dms, there were so many rps in dms I wanted to go back and read for nostalgia’s sake


            I have some old  Dms since 2019 wtf wattpad and why can't we keep inbox messages


@Butterfly_1992_ (you’re fine!)
            FOR REAL like why get rid of the dms already there?? Why not keep those but just not have the option to make a new dm?? (Not that that was a good decision anyways, but it’s better than completely ridding ones we had!)


No for real! (Not to be a creep and comment on another post) but like, I used to LOVE going back and re-reading rps but they took that option away. I didn’t even like them removing DMs at all, but what purpose did deleting all of them serve??


I know this is random since I haven’t been on here in months (probably years idk so much has changed) but if any old friends on here wanna chat or rp outside of here (since I don’t really use this app anymore) my discord is itsmoni_7


@Butterfly_1992_ sounds good! It’ll be nice to chat and/or rp again! And I’ve still been roleplaying but as characters, haven’t roleplayed as an OC for a while like back when I was on here lol but I miss it!


Nice  I’ll message you soon tho! I haven’t role played in a while and I miss it! 


『(1) New Message from Kae✉️』
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          ✔︎үεs            ησ
          Opening. . .
          ❛︎I can't promise to fix your problems, but I can promise you won't face them alone❜︎
          ❛︎Hiya!! Thank you so much for the follow! I really appreciate it. You can call me Kae! I really don't have a specific label as a friend, but I'll try to be there when I can with my love and support. I'm pomosexual (pronouns are they/she), trying to navigate through life, and loves dearly so my pms are always open if you wanna talk, become friends, roleplay, or whatnot! I tend to call people 'hun/luv/dear' a lot, so just tell me if you are uncomfortable with that! I hope you have an amazing day/night and you keep being the awesome person you are.❜︎
          【Do you wish to close message?】
          ✔︎үεs            ησ
          Closing. . .
          『ℓσvε үα!!!!❤️✨』


Hi!! Thanks for the super sweet message! It’s nice to meet you! And thank you for the follow as well! Also, thank you! I really like your name too! <3


I love your name btw!! <3


Hey guys, I’m terribly sorry for not being active on here, like, at all. I recently discovered Twitter roleplays (specifically Markiplier Ego twt roleplays) and I’ve been doing a lot of that recently and it’s a lot of fun ^^
          I’m gonna try and come back here and roleplay some, cause I do miss it, but I just wanted to let y’all know that’s why I’ve been so inactive (but also because of school and life in general)


this message may be offensive
@-itsmoni- Don't beat yourself up too much, shit happens. Especially with those downs you mentioned in your life, I hope those aren't too bad and that it'll be better. Heheh, yeah, I enjoyed talking and roleplaying with you too. Just take your time, y'know? I'll be here :) <3


@GoldMortise hey!! I am so so so SO sorry for leaving you hanging on our roleplay, and disappearing without mentioning anything to you! That was such a crappy thing to do and I’m really sorry. Lots of things irl have been happening and motivation plummeted til i discovered Twitter rp, but even there my motivation dips sometimes
            I’m glad to know your still alive and kickin as well!! Everything’s been ok, ups and downs ^^ I hope everything’s been well with you too! And same here, I missed talking with you and roleplaying with you <3
            I wanna try and rp with you again, or simply just talk with you again cuz I do miss that as well! ^^


@-itsmoni- hey  I'm glad to know you're still alive and kickin'! Hope everything is all well with you! Have fun with those Twitter roleplays. I'm still missing you in your individual roleplay book <3


I’ll get to replies soon, I promise! I’m sorry for keeping you all waiting!
          But I just wanted to tell y’all that I made an angsty scenario for The Butler chapter from my individual Roleplay book, but in my Roleplay Scenarios book. I thought it was easier to create the scenario and just post it there than try and do it in the actual chapter for him


HEY SORRY TO ALL THE PEOPLE IM ROLEPLAYING WITH!! My phones been acting wack and I finally got a new one and have been moving stuff from my old phone to this one and—
          Yeah just lots of stuff going on and I haven’t been able to get on wattpad and roleplay. Really sorry! I’ll try to reply to people when I can!


That’s fair!! :)