
no need for a booster, doc. I suck down my own snot all day


did I say that? Lol. I'm talking about the feminine inclination to manipulate men based on their inflated sense of self worth (vagina power) and I'm making the argument that this is inherently feminine behavior and that most (not all, I'll be fair) women especially in the modern west do in fact behave this way. Not sure where that last comment you made came from tbh
          chaos is also inherently feminine I would say


Do u wike huwey wewis and the news? UwU theiw eawwy wowk was a wittwe too new wave fow my tastes, buwt when spowts came ouwt in '83, i think they weawwy came into theiw own, commewciawwy and awtisticawwy. The whowe awbuwm has a cweaw, cwisp souwnd, and a new sheen of consuwmmate pwofessionawism that weawwy gives the songs a big boost. He's been compawed to ewvis costewwo, buwt i think huwey has a faw mowe bittew, cynicaw sense of huwmow. In '87, huwey weweased this, fowe, theiw most accompwished awbuwm. I think theiw uwndispuwted mastewpiece is "hip to be squwawe", a song so catchy, most peopwe pwobabwy don't wisten to the wywics. Buwt they shouwwd, becauwse it's not juwst abouwt the pweasuwwes of confowmity, and the impowtance of twends, it's awso a pewsonaw statement abouwt the band itsewf! hewwo paul!


I wive in the amewican gawdens buiwding on west 81st stweet, on the 11th fwoow.
           my name is patwick bateman.
           i'm 27 yeaws owd.
           i bewieve in taking cawe of mysewf, in a bawanced diet, in a wigowous exewcise woutine.
           in the mowning, if my face is a wittwe puffy, i'ww put on an icepack whiwe doing my stomach cwunches.
           i can do a thousand now.
           aftew i wemove the icepack, i use a deep-powe cweansew wotion.
           in the showew, i use a watew-activated gew cweansew.
           then a honey-awmond bodyscwub.
           and on the face, an exfowiating gew-scwub.
           then i appwy an hewb mint faciaw masque,
          which i weave on fow ten minutes whiwe i pwepawe the west of my woutine.
           i awways use an aftewshave wotion with wittwe ow no awcohow,
          because awcohow dwies youw face out and makes you wook owdew.
           then moistuwizew, then an anti-aging eye bawm, fowwowed by a finaw moistuwizing pwotective wotion.
           thewe is an idea of a patwick bateman.
           some kind of abstwaction, but thewe is no weaw me.
           onwy an entity-- something iwwusowy.
           and though i can hide my cowd gaze...
           and you can shake my hand and feew fwesh gwipping youws...
           and maybe you can even sense ouw wife stywes awe pwobabwy compawabwe,
          i simpwy am not thewe.