
; I want to try and be more active on here so CB & Specify for a starter. currently about to change themes-


[[oh my gosh!!! Mememeem anything 


you look very lost . 


oh . . i guess so . it wouldnt hurt to see the menu this week .


            Could you possibly show me the way?


coffee shop ? mm . . there is one , but its a few blocks over .


Airport crushes.
          They suck, because you see them once and they're gone.
          That was the case for Cystal.
          She saw him, his beautiful skin, his lips, she heard his voice, and saw how handsome he was and she was instantly in love, but her porting call just happened so she had to go, she couldn't admire the handsome man in front of her, this would be her first time flying as well, she was scared, it wasn't her fault. She got onto the plane and found her seat, it was a window seat thank god, she knew she wasn't getting up during this flight, she heard the bathrooms were gross.


            Rex almost moaned into the kiss, but had to bite back a whine when he pulled away, blushing deeply, she looked away and covered her face slightly.  


            he smirked against her lips one hand on her waist. he pulled back "good girl" he whispered low enough that only she could hear. with that he sat back


            Rex's eyes widened slightly but she kissed back, melting into the kiss, she reached up slightly and cupped the back of the others neck


It was mother's day, Kade was in bed, his tail swaying slightly as the bed got more and more comfortable to Kade, and even it got slightly colder as he slept, he was comfortable, and completely unaware of what day it was, he even didn't notice the fact Cal was out of the bed, he didn't notice he was in the middle of the bed, sprawled out until he heard whispers, or well talking from downstairs and he finally woke up as his ears flickered because if the noise 


Theseus was with Arlo, helping him do homework. that was until Lucas came downstairs for a drink, Lucas noticed both Theseus and Arlo; rolling his eyes as he got himself a drink. "You still here?" Theseus asked Lucas, getting up to fix Arlo a drink too.


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            Theseus scoffed at the others comment " oh yes, I'll fucking burn down your house" he smirked as he got a drink for Arlo "yeah, Arlo was confused about some math and shit, and I'm a math and science nerd sooo I thought I could help, plus I heard you, Ezra and Arlo all moved in together so" he shrugged, trailing off


            lucas chuckled and nodded "yeah making sure you dont burn the house down. helping arlo with homework?" he asked raising a brow 


Theseus glared at Lucas(I think that's the ship?) And giggled, he was stoned out of his mind, he was swaying and mumbling about random as things then he laughed and slurred "Lucassss I'm finnnneee, seriouslllyy" 


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            Theseus made a small noise, and paused for a moment, almost freezing, he shook his head and groaned, looking around he frowned "Where..?" He trailed off then glanced over at Lucas and made a 'o' shape with his mouth and buckled "sorry..." he apologized, not knowing what else so say as he couldn't remember what the fuck happened and didn't quite know if he was the cause for it or not


            "i swear to god theseus buckle up we are going home" he sighed he hated this he was so close to yet another relapse 


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            "Nooooo.." He whined, it was probably his first time stoned in front of Lucas, he had mood swings, almost like he was bipolar or had DID, he changed from being childish and immature to 'i don't remember anything what the fuck is going on?' and panicking to a more mature, adult-like personality. It was weird since Theseus doesn't have DID nor is he bipolar, he is just.. really fucked up.. Kinda-