
And don't think I'm standing up for the people that are hating on her because I'm not. But you tell other fans to mind their own business, but you can't even do that yourself.....makes sense. 


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Get your own shit together honey before you tell people to get theirs together. And you really think your dumbass A/N Is going to stop somebody from hating on them? People do what they want. So stop trying to be a mom and worry about your own fucking self and Mind your own fucking business like you're telling everybody else too.  


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All this shit about Laurie and Grayson. I really don't care but I see bitches on here saying "QUIT HATING ON HER THEIR NOT EVEN DATING" "WHY WOULD YOU HATE SOMEBODY YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW" and I swear somebody said "I literally hate all of you who are hating on her" lol bitch didn't you just say don't hate on somebody you don't know?