
I miss the thrill of reading. 
          	Anyways, suggest me some bad-man / mafia bts ff please <3 


can anyone, poc  help me understand something?
          Is it inappropriate for those who aren't poc to use slay to hype someone ? Given its aave but it's not meant to be offensive cause i read somewhere it is okay to use certain slang as long as we aren't mocking anyone or being offensive to them.
          I just wanna make sure if it's true or no and if it's okay to use certain slangs harmlessly. /gen


[ @TheBirthOfMyDemise ] yes thank you for enlightening me on this 


@-kiwitae they are just words. Say them as you please, but understand the nature and context of the word and where it comes from. Slang is slang. It exists everywhere, all over the world. You can’t be woke if you don’t know the origins of where woke originated from. This is probably coming from the same person that confuses racism with prejudice and demonizes everyone. Know your history. Appreciate the culture. And know the words like some, slay, hype, bae are part of black American culture.