
//delayed replies, I’ll try to get back to all rps in the next day or so but please tag me in any rps over a day old I haven’t replied to


//omg hiiiiii idk if you remember me but im back on that grind, the grind being Wattpad 


@-lifeguardingscoops//the rp scene is nothing like it used to be-


//I’m good thanks, busy with housing plus work though @HawkinsHairbrain


          (I'm so sorry, I've got a head cold and my comprehension is very bad lately
          Lily was an emotional wreck. All day today was just anxiety and self doubt. She didn't know what was ultimately wrong with herself. "Billy you don't have to do all of this...you just got home and you're probably tired," she softly frowned. She tried to gently take Adonis but he whined and pushed her hands away. 


/ lily bc I missed their little family <33
          / struggling for muse while I've got a head cold so forgive me if this doesn't make sense LMAO
          "Billy?" The young woman nervously played with her hair as she tried to call Billy. He was at work so she quietly sighed and left a voicemail. "Hey...can you bring home a couple of tests?
          I'm...late this month...I'm too nervous to go myself and Adonis has been fussy so I can't really leave the house...please call me back..."
          Lily paced around for hours, the anxiety killing her, not knowing if Billy heard the message that she had sent him in the morning. 


When he came back, he’d brought ingredients for her favourite dinner and some flowers along with the tests. 
            “Hey Lils, I brought you the tests you wanted, sorry I couldn’t call back. I brought flowers to try and make up for it. “You just take your time okay love. I’ve got Adonis and dinner covered.” He said as he gave her a peck in the forehead and a side hug as he scooped the little bub up. 
            “Hey you, should we see if we can get a teething ring for you? You’ve been fussy huh? I guess it must be hurting more today.” He said to Adonis as he carried him 


"Oh come on Rani you can't stay mad at me forever..." Billy pouted, playfully resting his chin against her shoulder and giving her big, sad, puppy dog eyes. He was the master at giving sad eyes. Especially towards Ranika. 
          "C'monnnn not at this face," he whined. 


“You left me stranded in the cold.” She huffed, trying to ignore his puppy dog eyes and stay mad at him. @prttybyswag


          "Hi Billy," Tina twirled her soft brown hair, batting her lashes at Billy. He would normally flirt back but he seemed...disinterested. "Hey Tina."
          Tina ignored Ranika literally standing there as she continued. "I'm having a party tonight...why don't you come over?" She bit her lip. 
          "No thanks...I'm helping Ranika study," he spoke and shrugged. "Maybe next time."


Billy pretended to look for something, becoming frustrated. "Damn I lost my number...can I have yours?" He purred, a dumb grin on his face. Even though they were obviously growing closer, he always flirted. 


“I mean if you want extra tutoring you need to tell me in advance you dweeb.” She said, despite having no heat to her words. 
            “What look?” @prttybyswg


She ignored the interaction, used to such things happening and not caring. She was surprised when he declined though she didn’t show it. 
            Once Tina had left, she raised an eyebrow. “You’re tutoring me? Since when was that the case, considering I tutor you?” She teased. “Also we don’t have a session today so you can go if you want?” She told him in confusion @prttybyswg


She rolled her eyes playfully at the boy she was become friends with, despite her brother’s dislike for him. 
            “I’m not sure how that solves your problem.” She teased back before giving him her number. She didn’t mind the flirting, thinking he was just being playful and not actually interested in her @prttybyswg


Lowkey just revived him 


Yeah it’s been manic lol @hisnewt


No worries honestly but I’ve been good, between finishing uni, starting a job and attending weddings, I’m knackered though @hisnewt


“Shocker, I’m alive.”


“No, a pleasant dream actually.” @-DrunkDetective-


            “Be a nightmare if you were, right?”


“You- you’re back? Like you’re actually here? I’m not dreaming?” He whispered @-DrunkDetective-