; i’m dropping an interaction where my oc confesses to nOYa lmfAo - hope you don’t mind cass heh “noya!! hey!!” the dark haired girl walked towards him, “n-noya i got something to tell you!” her face was extremely red as she closed her eyes, she was quite scared of how this was going to go, she wasn’t ready to tell him how she felt. she was afraid to ruin her friendship with the boy.

; i liKE CHEESY THO DJSODHFL — this is so adorable. iM - hot pockets sound so nice rn the girl had blushed more when he touched her hands. her eyes widened at his words before hugging him tightly, “thank you nishinoya, you have no idea how happy that makes me!” she giggled as she looked at him again, “so uhm... you want to go on a date or...?” she scratched the back of her neck, “i’ve never been in a relationship before, heh.”

{ @dreamyhrs } hearing the girl ’ s words he gulped. he had no idea what to say or do. he stood there in shock before letting out a soft chuckle. he removes rose ’ s hands from her face and looks her in the eyes. “ i love you too , rose ! ” he said closing his eyes a bit scared at her reaction. he always struggled in showing affection in a romantic way with others , but when it came to rose he was going to give it his all. she was the first person he never wanted to let down. ; this is cHeeSy dbbsbs— more cheesy than my hot pockets :')

; lmAO NO WORRIES - the girl started to stutter quite a bit, “i uhm... noya i...” she had a hard time trying to figure out the words, “you’re a great libero and you always have the right words to say to people!” she took a deep breath in, “you always know how to make my day and you’ve inspired me to do my best in volleyball. you’re really cute and...” she grabbed his hands in front of her, “i’m in love with you, yū nishinoya!” her blush was bright as she breathed out, “i just wanted to tell you before it was too late s-so...” she let go of his hands as her blush was beyond visible as she tried to cover it.

( best boi right here ✊ )

( thank you <33 ♡ the name ' s ella ! nice to meet ya cass . if you want to talk / interact , my mb and dms are always open ! )

( indeed , && may i say how bootiful your account is ? [ especially your icon xD ] anyway i hope we can be friends ! )

HI I LOVE YUUUU ♡♡ just thought you should know that


; mY CUTIEEEEE XJSPXHEOFK im snatching ☠️☠️✌️