
          	It's been quite some time since I even logged onto this website, much less posted anything. I've been considering for a long while on deactivating this account and getting rid of my stories. I'm a completely different person now, and as I matured, my feelings regarding shipping real life people have changed, so I'm kind of on the fence about whether I should delete this account or not.
          	On one hand, I still get comments on my stories about people enjoying my works, which I love and I'm so happy people find enjoyment in my (terrible) writing. If people are happy to read my stories, I'm conflicted on whether or not I should take them down. I'm also really proud of how far my stories have come and the accomplishments they've managed to gain on this website-something I never imagined would happen. It's hard for me to let go of it, honestly, since there's a lot of nostalgia and sentiment from the time I was active on this site.
          	I had made a lot of friends (who I unfortunately am not in contact with anymore), and this account is kind of the last thread I have of some minute connection. I'm having difficulty letting go, however, I do believe this account will be deleted by the end of 2020. I'm not active on it anymore and I don't write One Direction fanfiction anymore. There are drafts I have on this website that I will need to transfer to different folders, to save ideas for the future, so it may take some time before this account is gone.
          	I'd like to say thank you for sticking with me and giving me follows, votes, comments and support (if anyone is reading this). I'm grateful of my time on this website and I think it helped me branch out and led to part of self-discovery. 
          	If anyone is interested, I do write fanfiction for anime/comics on AO3 under my account name: shittykawa_chan. 
          	Thanks again.


@-losechester- absolute coincidence that i decided to log in again today after MONTHS and have the same conundrum...good to see you reese hope you're doing well


          It's been quite some time since I even logged onto this website, much less posted anything. I've been considering for a long while on deactivating this account and getting rid of my stories. I'm a completely different person now, and as I matured, my feelings regarding shipping real life people have changed, so I'm kind of on the fence about whether I should delete this account or not.
          On one hand, I still get comments on my stories about people enjoying my works, which I love and I'm so happy people find enjoyment in my (terrible) writing. If people are happy to read my stories, I'm conflicted on whether or not I should take them down. I'm also really proud of how far my stories have come and the accomplishments they've managed to gain on this website-something I never imagined would happen. It's hard for me to let go of it, honestly, since there's a lot of nostalgia and sentiment from the time I was active on this site.
          I had made a lot of friends (who I unfortunately am not in contact with anymore), and this account is kind of the last thread I have of some minute connection. I'm having difficulty letting go, however, I do believe this account will be deleted by the end of 2020. I'm not active on it anymore and I don't write One Direction fanfiction anymore. There are drafts I have on this website that I will need to transfer to different folders, to save ideas for the future, so it may take some time before this account is gone.
          I'd like to say thank you for sticking with me and giving me follows, votes, comments and support (if anyone is reading this). I'm grateful of my time on this website and I think it helped me branch out and led to part of self-discovery. 
          If anyone is interested, I do write fanfiction for anime/comics on AO3 under my account name: shittykawa_chan. 
          Thanks again.


@-losechester- absolute coincidence that i decided to log in again today after MONTHS and have the same conundrum...good to see you reese hope you're doing well


so i was rereading my Immortals story today, for the sake of reading it and... felt inspired to write it again...
          not sure if i should? i have a lot going on so I'm not sure if I want to start this project again... would anyone even read it?? lol. sorry guys. i'm supposed to be gone from this site lolololol rip


also a side note, sorry I forgot to mention it in my previous message:
          I do have a Larry one shot drafted; it's not 100% complete, but I think it's at least a fourth finished. Not sure if you guys would be interested in me posting one last larry fic or what.
          Let me know :)


this message may be offensive
it has literally been 2 years since I've written anything on this website. I'm so sorry.
          In addition to that, I'm not sure if I'll stay or not?? Like, I don't really write fanfiction anymore (One Direction fanfiction, that is) so I feel like this account will die out since I'm sure most of my followers are here for 1D content. I'm sorry, but I just don't really have inspiration for that anymore :(
          If I ever get an OG teenfic idea, I may write/post it on here, but no guarantees because I'm also super busy and idk if I can get a steady updating schedule.
          So, I apologize if this account is dead for now. I haven't decided how I want to proceed and I'm an indecisive little shit, so it will take me time to decide. Thank you for sticking with me all these years! I'm keeping my current stories up, so people can still read and enjoy them, but no more 1D stories. 
          Thanks again guys! Happy 2018!!!


I'm not sure if a lot of you are aware, but the U.S. is looking to end Net Neutrality, which would in the long run mean that people will have to pay more money for access to certain sites/social media and that cable companies can regulate what you can/can't see. 
          So, until further notice, I won't be able to come back onto this site because honestly, idk if I'm going to be able to rack up the extra money each month. If you want to keep in contact, dm me and I'll give you my apple id or something so we can stay talking :)