
Changing anon, Tord’s month is over




Hot take: Not supporting the LGBT+ doesn’t make you homophobic. Going out of your way to harass and hurt someone who is apart of the community does.


            Exactly, being in a religion is fine, not being able toor not wanting to support something is totally okay 
            Even if your not religious its perfectly fine to have that opinion


@LunarTheTiredHero - I feel so bad when religious people get harassed over saying that. People really need to chill tf out.


My friend @/ItsTheRealMantis is currently hacked. Ignore the hacker, this is also on Discord too. Spread the word if wanted, but yeah.


            // Update on this!! I've got the situation MOSTLY under control, I found out that it's someone that's been on my dick before high school graduation, so. Don't worry, I called the cops on the guy. I've put two-factor authentication on all of my socials so no one can get me now (hopefully).


Daily reminder that you should call the police first and not post on twitter that you’ve done a hit and run. Joke or not, that isn’t funny. Apparently the person who was hit is a minor. Why is someone’s first instinct to hitting a child is to post it?? (Had said this already, but even if it’s a joke, that is NOT a funny thing to say.)
          I know that David’s part in Jackie’s Box is random and silly, but the song itself is not something to take to heart.


@TordfanYAY - Twitter and it’s bs on the daily


@ -loserfuel-  Well, that's pretty heavy...