
// cb (specify if you’d like) and/or drop something! i’ll get to these and replies after my doctor’s appointment  <3


*   !! tense or questioning maybe


       (  one year.  it had been one year since both had said  ' i do '.  obi - wan  still remembers how beautiful she looked in her dress.  it lived rent free in his mind  and he never minded.   kara had made it herself ,  making the moment even more special.  obi - wan  yearned to wear his ring proudly on his finger.  instead ,  due to necessity ,  it hung on his neck underneath his robes.   
                   the day had been hectic.  the war was in full swing ,  and anakin did not help to lower his stress.   yet a smile stayed on the man's face through it all.  for tonight he would see his love  and celebrate a year as husband and wife. 
                during one of anakin and ahsoka 's  arguments obi - wan took the opportunity to excuse himself.   this was a special occasion ,  and his wife deserved the best possible gift.   he would run around the galaxy to find it if he had to ; separatist territory or not.   luckily ,  a planet within the  republic had what he needed.  once the man returned he quickly made his way to kara.  his smile lined his face from ear to ear.  other jedi gave the master odd looks for  they had never seen him so happy.   )      master cooper.   may i have a moment of your time?   it is of the utmost importance. 


            kara couldn’t believe it had already been a year since her and obi-wan got married. she remembered it so vividly as if it was yesterday. his vows stayed in her mind constantly, always there in case she needed to hear them on a rough day. her ring still stayed with her at all times, hanging on its chain around her neck. the jedi wanted nothing more than to be able to wear it on her hand, to be able to show it off, but she knew she couldn’t. 
            the woman’s day was quite busy, as it always was. between trainings and meetings, she was practically running around the temple. but even though she was stressed, she just kept thinking about how she’d be able to spend time with her husband later that night. that’s what was keeping her going. 
            with how busy she was, kara had to send her droid off to get obi-wan’s gift, since kara knew she would never get the chance to leave the temple today. she just hoped everything would go smoothly and this wouldn’t become a rescue mission. that was certainly the last thing she needed. 
            but the droid returned with obi’s gift, and that caused the jedi master to breathe a sigh of relief. things were going how they should. she could only hope they’d stay that way. 
            she had been finishing up a training when obi-wan found her, so she quickly wrapped it up and sent the younglings on their way. “master kenobi, how nice to see you. yes, of course. let me get everything tidied up first and then we can go, alright?


“well..i can’t say i am surprised to hear that about anakin…but i am also surprised…what sort of trouble did he get into this time?” 


            "another ship?" the woman blinked for a moment as she looked to the jedi master before running a hand across the bridge of her nose. "i can't tell what's worse..." she said through muffle voice as she ran a hand across her face. "jar jar the last time we went on a mission destroying one of my ships when we went on a mission or anakin destroying multiple ships....master kenobi only has so much patience with him before he snaps..." she sighed as she had placed her hand down.


            “the usual. although i haven’t heard master kenobi that upset in quite some time, so i’m sure i’m not informed of everything that happened,” she chuckled softly, shaking her head, “what i *was* told, however, is that we have lost another ship to anakin’s antics.”


//forgive me if this is short ;-;
          “master kooper, you asked to speak with me? what is it?”


            the other woman smiled as the jedi master turned to speak with her. she nodded her head as she near her at a respectable distance. "it has been awhile. i hope things have been well for you," she began for a moment. "i have been as well as i am able...things have changed here on alderaan. but despite those changes, many of my students are about to move to the next level of their studies."


            “there you are, miss kessler,” the jedi master said with a warm smile, turning to face the other woman once she heard her name spoken. “it has been quite some time since we last spoke. i just wanted to check in on you.”


//fellow jedi!! :D
          “ah, master cooper! hello!” the auburn-brownish haired woman said with a smile as she walked over toward her. arwyn smiled toward the other woman as she approached her, her ocean blue eyes looking to the woman with cheerfulness. “it has been ages since i have last seen you, with the war and all. my men and i have been in the outer rim fighting the separatist in a siege…it’s only been recently since we have been able to return to coruscant for a short time off…how are you?” she bowed her head in respect as she did for her fellow jedi. she was relieved to return to the temple and be able to rest from the previous siege. which seemed to have taken a toll on her men.


            "i understand, master kooper. thank you," she had to smile at the other master's views and wisdom. she admired her for that, letting her words settle into her mind. she tried to not let her mind go to her fear often, something that even master yoda when she was a padawan had helped her for the most part quench what fear and grief she had after losing master yaddle. it was not easy after losing her to what she had now known to be count dooku, but she had for the most part learned to let things go.


            “i understand, but your mentality will affect how you are both on the battlefield and in the temple, so you want to keep it positive, alright?” she uncrossed her arms, letting them fall to her sides as the other master turned to her. “i’m sure master yoda taught us both the same ideologies, so you can trust i understand what you mean,” the jedi master replied with a slight nod, her eyes moving to scan around them once more. “holding onto the good is a good thing, but you never want to fully forget the bad at the same time.”
            // isn’t she?


            “as do i, master cooper. forgive me for the statements…my men and i have come out of a very difficult siege that has lasted for a few months. many of my men have lost their comrades and close companions in other battalions,” she took a deep breath as she took a moment, her mind flashing back to memories from the siege before turning to the other master. “i try to look to what our future would be…and to remember a little thing or two master yoda taught me when i was a padawan. it was not easy losing my first master…but i’ve learned to hold onto the good memories and move on.” 
            /she’s beautiful! that’s awesome! 


ೃ ' wifey '    
            there is a moment ,  one moment ,  that changes your life forever.   for all moments after are forever changed by that one decision.   for  obi - wan  that moment was when he was young.   it perhaps was the oldest memory the jedi held.  .  the two had fallen in love at first sight.  the two cried separately ,   but when they were first brought together as only children ,  their tears ceased.   the two were inseparable ever since.  to a blind eye the two were only close as jedi.  yet if one looked close ,   they would see the love in their eyes.   obi - wan  knew that he would never leave kara 's  side.   he kept that vow even after the order was disbanded.  all was lost ,   but that was not a full truth.   nothing was lost with kara by his side.   
             tatooine was no heaven.  the heat was miserable ,   and the d*mn sand. .  he would rather be living on any other planet.   however tatooine had one angel no other planet had — his beloved kara.  he returned to the dome shaped building they called home ,   a weight lifted from his shoulders as he stepped into the threshold.   " honey ,  i ' m  home " 


            kara’s first memory from the jedi temple was when she met obi-wan. she remembered her crying ceasing once she saw the youngling that master qui-gon was carrying in. what she didn’t know back then was that that youngling would change her life forever. obi-wan was her best friend, her training partner, her battle partner, but most importantly, he was the love of her life. he was the one she had broken the jedi code for. he was the one she secretly married before the war had gone into full swing. he was her everything. the pair had been attached at the hip since the moment they met, and that wouldn’t change any time soon. she’d be by his side until one of them became one with the force. and if she was the one to live on, there wouldn’t be a single second that he wasn’t in her thoughts. 
            now that the order had disbanded and they were forced to go into hiding, the kenobis spent their time on tatooine, a surely forsaken planet if you asked her. she wished they could be anywhere else, specifically somewhere where it wasn’t blazing hot, but since she was with obi-wan, she was content where they were. “welcome home, dear,” she said with a small smile, getting up from where she was sitting to greet her husband. that was the one good thing about this place. they were husband and wife there. she was finally able to use her married name, even if her first name had to be changed. it was still a win in her book. “did you have a nice day?”


hey,  master  cooper?  what  do  you  do  when  your  padawan  doesn’t  listen  to  you? 


            well i normally don’t have to worry about that, but i suppose you should explain the dangers of your padawan not listening to you. one wrong move and they could lose their life.


first  one,  mainly,  but  also  the  second. 


            like not listening to me and almost getting themself killed or just not listening to me? both answers are the same, i’m just curious. 


  ( obi - wan  had become quite attached to  master cooper's padawan.   how could one not?   gungi was the sweetest wookie to ever exist.   he was kind ,  compassionate ,  and of course adorable.   obi - wan  loved every moment the three spent together.  the time was cherished.  he stepped into their quarters after a long day.  anakin had once again made the mission challenging.  they barely escaped with their lives ,  and the ship was in many pieces somewhere in the galaxy.   he sighed ,  mentally unloading as he closed the door.  however ,  the man had an idea that would give both of them some much needed relaxation.  )       hello darling.   i hope your day was alright.   


            kara chuckled softly once she heard the reason for her husband’s interesting day. that certainly checked out. she had some days where she had to bring anakin along with her, and those were certainly some of the most stressful days of her life. “isn’t it funny how just one word can say so many things?” she asked before she placed a kiss on his lips, rubbing his cheeks softly with her thumbs. “hopefully we can make the rest of your day better.”
            at the sound of a *real* walk, kara’s brow rose. he was certainly up to something, she just couldn’t figure out what. “it’s very rare you ask for actual walks, obi. what do you have up your sleeve?” she could always tell when something was off, even if it was just the slightest bit. “but yes, let’s go for a walk. it is quite beautiful outside from what i saw earlier.”


ೃ ' wifey ' 
               (  some rules were meant to be broken.  he was certainly not the only jedi that understood that.  his own past padawan was in love with a certain senator.  obi - wan  understood the law.  it was a distraction ,  but it also gave such a drive.  nothing moved him more than his beloved wife.  )      anakin 
              (  that one word said it all.  he loved the chosen one.  he was his brother ,   but god he was a pain in the *ss.  whenever anakin was near his blood pressure always rose.  
              he had sent katie to get gungi from his quarters for  ' training '.   now ,  all he had to do was get kara to accompany him.  obi - wan  loved to do surprises for kara ,   but his favorites were when she wasn't even aware a surprise was happening.  )     could we take a walk ?   a real one.   some fresh air sounds nice. 


            kara had failed at the no attachments rule, that was certain. between her husband, her padawan, and her droid she had formed quite a few, but she didn’t regret it. not even for a second. when she got to spend time with all three of them, it made the jedi master beyond happy. they meant the world to her, as did her former master, but it was quite rare that she would get the chance to spend time with all four of them at one time. her day hadn’t been nearly as interesting as her husband’s, but she hadn’t realized just how interesting his was until she saw him walk through the door. he looked exhausted. “hi, dear. are you alright? you seem more exhausted than normal.”


    master cooper.  may i have a word? 


            of course, lead the way.


ೃ ' wifey '  
                nothing at all.  quite the contrary actually.  would you follow me ? 


            of course, master kenobi. is there something wrong?


   i saw master yoda in passing today.  i swore he was. .  glaring at me.


            he does *not* hate you.


ೃ ' wifey '
                 he  * hates *  me 


            i’m sure he wasn’t. maybe he was just having a rough day. 