( one year. it had been one year since both had said ' i do '. obi - wan still remembers how beautiful she looked in her dress. it lived rent free in his mind and he never minded. kara had made it herself , making the moment even more special. obi - wan yearned to wear his ring proudly on his finger. instead , due to necessity , it hung on his neck underneath his robes. the day had been hectic. the war was in full swing , and anakin did not help to lower his stress. yet a smile stayed on the man's face through it all. for tonight he would see his love and celebrate a year as husband and wife. during one of anakin and ahsoka 's arguments obi - wan took the opportunity to excuse himself. this was a special occasion , and his wife deserved the best possible gift. he would run around the galaxy to find it if he had to ; separatist territory or not. luckily , a planet within the republic had what he needed. once the man returned he quickly made his way to kara. his smile lined his face from ear to ear. other jedi gave the master odd looks for they had never seen him so happy. ) master cooper. may i have a moment of your time? it is of the utmost importance.

@-lostallluck kara couldn’t believe it had already been a year since her and obi-wan got married. she remembered it so vividly as if it was yesterday. his vows stayed in her mind constantly, always there in case she needed to hear them on a rough day. her ring still stayed with her at all times, hanging on its chain around her neck. the jedi wanted nothing more than to be able to wear it on her hand, to be able to show it off, but she knew she couldn’t. the woman’s day was quite busy, as it always was. between trainings and meetings, she was practically running around the temple. but even though she was stressed, she just kept thinking about how she’d be able to spend time with her husband later that night. that’s what was keeping her going. with how busy she was, kara had to send her droid off to get obi-wan’s gift, since kara knew she would never get the chance to leave the temple today. she just hoped everything would go smoothly and this wouldn’t become a rescue mission. that was certainly the last thing she needed. but the droid returned with obi’s gift, and that caused the jedi master to breathe a sigh of relief. things were going how they should. she could only hope they’d stay that way. she had been finishing up a training when obi-wan found her, so she quickly wrapped it up and sent the younglings on their way. “master kenobi, how nice to see you. yes, of course. let me get everything tidied up first and then we can go, alright?