
     - started my new job two weeks ago so that means slow updates. I have been loving it but just a lot of new info so I have been super tired after work. But hopefully I will find inspo and time soon <3 


@-lovelydaisies crongrts on the new job !!!


If I was going to write more Twilight stories, who would you like to see as the love interest <3 


Omggg I agree that a Jane and a Felix story would be amazing! I love your writing style that’s for sure 


            I agree!
            I'd love to read something with him ♡ especially when I started my adventure with Twilight years ago, he was one of my top characters ♡ I loved him ha


@sigertema Felix definitely would be interesting <3 i haven't seen that many fics about him


Hello, my name is Roberta, I read your story “WallFlower” and I simply thought it was wonderful and I would like Brazilians to also have access to this eighth wonder of the world. Therefore, I come here to ask for your authorization, I would – very much – like you to authorize the translation of this work into Portuguese (Brazilian), don't worry, I will give all the credits and leave the link to the original to work with.❤️


@ -lovelydaisies  no problemm☺️☺️


@RobertaShow hey, sorry, I'm not currently taking any translations until I have edited my works <3 