I’ve been so busy with school and work that i honestly pushed wattpad to the side. current update on my life: i am 20 years old. i graduated community college back in July and received my associates of arts. I am currently enrolled in my second semester at a university where i am pursuing a career as a novelist. i met an amazing man last year in July and this year marks one year with him. i am actually about to fly up to New York tomorrow to see him and his family to celebrate the New Years. I have a part-time job at my community college after breaking free from a terrible fast food job (hated it sm), and i am currently very happy with where i am at in life! If it wasn’t for everyone supporting my stories I truly would not have known what I would want to do with my life. So, thank you all for helping me out in life even if you didn’t realize you were doing so. I really want to continue working on Fear (it’s been on hiatus for so long—I know, I’m terrible!) because I really want it to be one of the first books I get to publish. Like many of y’all, I as well have an attachment toward the novel. It was my first serious book that I began writing when I was 13 and finished the story when I turned 18. My writing skills have definitely developed since then and I’m hoping I can fix up any hiccups in my writing.