
I'm still in shock... I can't believe what happened. All members of One Direction meant and still means a lot to me, you'll be missed <3
          	Rest in peace, Liam Payne <33


Hey guys!
          It's been so long I've been on this app! I'm so sorry I haven't been active here for... almost a year??!! Wow...
          To be honest with you, the last year and this year are REALLY tough for me. And it doesn't seem like it'll be better in the near future...
          But enough of these negative thoughts! Tell me how y'all are doing! What happened to you in this one year? Tell me something fun, something interesting, happy, sad, anything! 


@Lalatomelila8   honestly, I have a lot of problems with school, family, friends and etc. That's why i'm not that active here nowadays (and sorry for the late answer). But i'm working on these problems of mine :)


@-lunaelumen- i also rarely come here, but overall, fine!! and u?


@orisittttttt  Noah is a really great name! You made a great choice with that one
            Ohh, thats a cool genre!! I don't really listen to any type of metal but I've always thought it sounds amazing and I've always adored people who make music in this genre because it seems so difficult for me. But you know, my parents are big metal fans and I've been to several concerts before and I definitely don't regret it :)
            And sure, I'd gladly check your band's Instagram out! I rarely use Instagram, but I'd be happy if you told me your name, and if I don't forget (I hope so, but my nemory is pretty bad and it happens, sorry in advance) I'll definitely look it up :D
            And thank you very much! :)


Happy International Women's Day to all the beautiful and strong ladies!! 


 same with you mwah ❤️


1 week 'til the Teen Wolf movie YAYY