
“Sometimes, moments of fun can just be, like, a lifting of the burden, for a short moment.
          	But hey, that is life, you know?”
          	  - Papa Emeritus IV, 2023 


Here’s my final review of the acolyte:
          *Potential spoilers ahead*
          Did I hate it? No. Did I love it? Also no. I think that the show had a ton of potential, but it just didn’t reach it. The story was weird, and some parts made no sense, but there were parts that I liked. 
          I think despite the disappointing nature of the show, it definitely opened up some new avenues for content. It also gave us things that we had never previously seen before in Star Wars content. Stuff like the lightsaber whip and getting to see a kyber crystal bleed and turn red. 
          If there is a second season, I think that they will learn from their mistakes, and (hopefully) get new people to work on the show to make the second season better. I would like to see all of the loose ends (Qimir and Osha, Yoda, plageuis, Qimir and Vernestra, Mae, etc.) tied up in a second season. 
          Overall, not my favorite show but definitely not the worst thing I’ve ever watched. 


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Exciting news:
          1) school year ends next week thank fuck
          2) I’m helping stage manage my schools freshman/sophomore production of Almost, Maine next year which is exciting but also what the fuck