
How’s everyone feeling about 2024? I personally think January went by wayyy too fast LOL


No I think it was soooo slow lmao


          I apologize for not updating in WEEKS, I’ve been overwhelmed with my studies I haven’t even gotten the time to write :( 
          A load of chapters will be uploaded as soon as I find the time to write, I’ll guarantee you that. Just wanted to make it clear that I am 100% continuing this story and am not planning to quit writing it any time soon!
          Thank you SO MUCH for the love on my Skulls and Spades, I am so grateful for all the votes and comments I receive. All of the notifications I receive on this app are enough to make my day, believe it or not, so once again, THANK YOU! (You’ve heard that phrase a thousand times from me already gahaha, sorry!)


There’s something wrong w my laptop atm so i’ll have to finish writing chapter 8 on my phone :(
          I am currently in a different country and am unfamiliar if there are any shops that can fix it, so as of right now I am trying to fix it myself. I will try and find someone to fix it if it’s still uncooperative with me by tonight, as I use my laptop to do all my studies.
          I will try to update continuously even if i have to do it on my phone. Please bare with me if updates are even slower, thank you! Sorry for the inconvenience :/


I reached 1k reads on Skulls and Spades, that's CRAZYY
          Just wanted to say thank you for all the votes and comments I've received in that story. Knowing there's people out there who like reading it make me SO happy, you have no idea! <3
          Should I post more conversations? (I'm not that familiar with whatever this is gahaha) 
          If so, what do I say?? Do I just talk about my day, or...? Feel free to let me know :)


@LR_Murray There's absolutely no need to be sorry! <3 
            You've always been very kind to me, so thank you. It means so much!


@-maearie- Ahhh, sure! I'm so sorry I haven't been reading lately :< Yet I'm SO happy for you! I'm so glad your beauteous book is getting the attention it deserves.<3