
a little promotion! to those who are instrested, my friend in instagram made a entertainment! thought it just started a few days ago it surely is very intriguing, if you are interested; click the link and follow the steps:
          little guide :
          - click the highlight of 'how to audition'
          - answer the followings in the form
          - click the trainee audition, since we're currently looking for trainee's.
          - dm us after you successfully filled the form
          - dm me mainly here in wattpad for your application too.
          - comment here first for your fc and trainee name before you create the account to fill in the forms in there. so we will make your face claim taken. this is first come first serve. 
          informations :
          - we are currently accepting maximum of 30 trainee's
          - we'll based your face claims as your soon debuted group.
          - we will open a entertainment in wattpad as well using this account, for those who can't join in Instagram. but mostly this are used for idols updates, and contents.
          - you can join solo, duo, and group in the forms. but make sure your other members must send a form to us as well.
          - 1997-2005 ( 2 years age gap )
          - we will add you in the official gc entertainment of wm labels if ever you got in.


+ i’m part of the directors and the head of editing in the entertainment, so it is possible for me to discontinue the applyfic and will post a book for this entertainment instead.


[. . . YOU’VE GOT MAIL ! ʬʬʬ ]
          —— for those who have ensured their skills, face claim and group please start answering the forms now. i need to ensure your places for the ranking so i need immediate answers, thank you!