
changed my user, I feel professional now LMAO. 


@-miraclewrites Hah lol. It’s really cute actually


Currently watching The Game Plan, drinking my sparkling water, and under my mountain of blankets. Anyway chapter three is out, Kay goodnight. Thanks for listening to my podcast . *insert heart eye emoji* 


@GiveMeABook9 OMG YESS, it’s my favorite Disney movie EVER. 


@rhysandswh0re that's such a good movie


Please I meant chapter four, fml.


DID I JUST CHANGE ALL THEIR NAMES AND THE PLOT? YES. YES I DID. I have a plot down now so gooo mee, um I had to switch their names bc they didn’t fit into the story, anyway I added more people because I had another story idea in my head involving a friend group so I just ended up combining the old idea and new one and I have a feeling it’ll turn out ok. *insert hearT eyes emoji*  I’m rewriting the the first two chapters atm because I need the new male MC to be a bit more um…. Powerful and Dark, and I want to add the friends in, and add I little more background info so people aren’t completely clueless. 
          Anyway my video is over, subscribe and stuff, luv you guys. *insert kissy emoji*