
<< ps i’m also VERY scared to unpublish bc this book is my baby. when i take things out\delete i don’t want it to mess up the reads or take anything away. we’ve all worked so hard for it. & it’s grown so much, n i could never thank you guys enough truly. it wouldn’t have almost 700k reads without you guys. <\3


if you’ve been looking for me, you can reach me on my new account which is this one! -miseryorlando is currently unavailable for me because i forgot my password. i’m starting a second book over on this account ! if you’ve been waiting for new works from me be expecting it soon ! 
          love , m <\3


hii i miss you 


hey ! this is me i am so sorry i haven’t been here. i completely forgot my password so that is why i haven’t been active, i’ve tried many attempts for months so making another account was my last resort. if you can spread the word to people that you know whom read my writings please ! 


<< ps i’m also VERY scared to unpublish bc this book is my baby. when i take things out\delete i don’t want it to mess up the reads or take anything away. we’ve all worked so hard for it. & it’s grown so much, n i could never thank you guys enough truly. it wouldn’t have almost 700k reads without you guys. <\3


this is a huge i’m sorry, to anyone that has an attachment to the imagines book or enjoyed reading it, particularly looking forward to when i updated. yes i do have lots of things typed and ready to be put out n updated but as of right now i need to focus on what i’ve updated in the past. i can’t continue updating when things aren’t how i want them to be. if yk me then yk i’m a perfectionist. this book has been published since the beginning of 2018 and i’ve grown since then. i am apologizing because i will be unpublishing my book over the next week or so, however long it takes. some things may be deleted, taken out .. etc. if anyone has any requests on what imagines they would like to stay in the book please let me know on this status. this is something that i feel like i have to do and i’m sorry )):


ok but serious question i rly need an answer if you unpublish your book and republish it after will all the reads and stuff still be there or does it disappear? i’ve never done it before n i’m scared to be i have a reason haha so if anyone knows pls lmk <\3


@laniorlando aw i’m sorry but ty for letting me know (:


i've unpublished one of my books before and it took off a couple thousand reads i think, it doesnt completely disappear