
Rewriting the first chapter is much better than it was before lol.


Anyone else have like 10 books to read in their library but don’t wanna read them so you go searching for more books for something so interesting it’s easier to read but can’t find any?


@-moonysbxnes  I must warn you though. There are quite a lot of heavy things in this book. I’m not even closed to being finished. I only got it to cry. But it’s a lot to take in people said. You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to 


@1-800-HEEHEE cool I’ll have to read it 


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Kinda done with my birthday, first i celebrated my birthday last week cuz i was supposed to go to Boston for 5 days with my best friend because he had a school thing down there or up there whatever but i would have been alone for 14 hours every day including my birthday so i wasn’t allowed to go. (We’re going Philly for three days instead idk when tho) then my mom decided to go over to her boyfriends house the night before my birthday (when she goes over there she doesn’t sleep so she comes home tired and irritated because she didn’t sleep then sleeps the whole fucking day) so she comes home and goes to sleep on MY BIRTHDAY after she promised we would spend the day together. Then my dad had an appointment for facial hair removal (she’s transgender) but she also had work half the day so after she was done with work, she left for her appointment now I’m sitting on the couch alone and sad. But this birthday is better than last year I’ll tell you that. 


I’m fine my dad promised me chillis and gave me a hug 


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Oh and I’m bored as shit! 


Yall it’s my birthday!! I’m 17 now :)