
Someone give me something to write for the next chapter… I’ll take anything 


ik that i’m prob very late to reply but maybe something cute between sophie and lockwood, like a date. or maybe a cute bonding scene with lucy and sophie. hope that helps :)


Don’t know who cares but a bit of backstory on Sophie.
          Sophie was hardly ever called by her name growing up and instead and Fionn insisted they call her by her middle name instead. Just to match him.
          Little less fun fact. Sophie hasn’t told anyone her middle name since they died.


@-morgss unfortunately I do care and I decided to make myself cry today


SOPHIE STEPPED INTO THE KITCHEN, adjusting the long sleeves of the grey pyjama top she was wearing. Her tired eyes scanned the dark room, finding discarded mugs in the sink. She had been searching for Lockwoodm ever since she woke up in an empty bed. The house was quiet and he wasn't in his usual spot in the library.
          With a sigh her fingers found the cold handle of the basement door, gently pulling it open. Sophie could hear hushed voices from the top of the stairs. She quietly descended the metal steps, focusing on the two oblivious figures hunched over  George's desk with a singular lamp as their light source.
          George was flicking through the various pages scattered across his messy desk, while Lockwood watched him, almost anxiously.
          "What do you think?" Lockwood whispered.
          "I think you're a bigger idiot than I ever gave you credit for."


@-morgss as does this story and your writing <33


@UrsTrulySella That means so much to me <3


@-morgss aww im so happy, i love sophie sm i hold her so dear to me