hey sweetie, got a minute? few things; - i apologize for being gone an insane amount of time, i have been dealing with personal problems. - being a senior in highschool is so.. stressful. i'm so old though, you guys practically grew up with me, i've had this account for years. - life has been hitting me with trains and busses left and right, i cannot catch a break. i am overwhelmed and stressed to my core, but i'm sorting things out with my life. and the main things; - i wanna get back into writing again. it's gonna be tough, especially with my procrastination and whatnot, but i'm trying my best. - i have two new books i'm cookin up, one i've already released (the preview), and the other one is sittin in the drafts. i have a question, and i know i'm probably not gonna get any answers (you guys never respond to my announcements ), but what exactly would you like to see? do you want me to delete any works of mine, continue certain works, any books you wanna see published by yours truly? those sorts of questions. but okay, i won't take up any more of your time. bye sweetie, goodnight (sweet dreams <3), goodmornin, and good afternoon.

[ @-mvxiie ] It sucks to hear that life hasn’t been the nicest to you as of late, and I sincerely hope things start looking brighter for you soon! And don’t stress about coming back to writing, we understand just how stressful life is and we wouldn’t want to add onto your burden. We wouldn’t want a beautiful and bright star burning out already ヽ(´▽`)/ I don’t feel there is any need to delete any of your previous works, and you can continue whichever one you want. I’ve really gotten back into haikyuu recently so I would love it if that was updated, but once again please don’t feel pressured to update anything. Just do whatever you feel capable of doing! I from the bottom of my heart pray that things get better for you! Hope you have a good rest of your day/morning/night!(>◡<)♡