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@1-800-TORN // Oop- whatever

( intro's ) Althea was disguised as a mortal walking through the city of Paris.. It was 5 am in the morning and Eos was sitting on a picnic blanket on a hillside watching the sunset..

going to revamp this kinda and add a few more minor goddesses and gods like hebe , nyx , eos ,seline , helios, eros , hypnos , and morpheus

West walked up to Althea. "Hi!!! I'm West!!" She smiled, the scar on her nose creasing. She then rolled her eyes. "Ugh. Why am I even here?" //She has split personalities FYI

Here’s your kid!

@bloomcorebengalcat Althea pulled out her own and looked at them " I have one thanks."

@bloomcorebengalcat ( I thought Darrel was a human) Althea twirls her knife in the hand

~Percy Jackson Friendship Rp~ Sabrina Sanders sat in her cabin. She was waiting for her new roommate. Her old one had left early.