this message may be offensive
i know a lot of people are disappointed about the results of the 2024 election. i completely understand. there is no reason why a rapist felon should even be able to run for the president of the united states. unfortunately, there is nothing we can do for right now but use our right to protest. we’re not able to change who the president will be come january but we still have a voice, USE IT!!! regardless of age, gender, sexuality, religion or the part of the world we’re in, we should still stand up for what we believe in. we have to continue to fight for palestine and ukraine. we still have to fight for our right to choose what happens to our bodies. we have to fight for our trans siblings. we have to fight against gun violence. i wanted to let the dust settle before i made my statement but that doesn’t change the meaning of my behind it. these are upsetting results and i understand but we can’t stop taking care of ourselves and others. PLEASE take care of your mental health as much as possible. rest yourself and revive your energy during this stressful time from now until trump’s presidency and through the duration of it. he wants us to be weak, silent and ignorant so that he can continue to do whatever the fuck he wants so DO NOT GIVE NOT. do what you have to now to prepare for the future. i know this is a long message but it needs to be said. i dont have any other social medias to contact me so the only place to do it is here. i will be extremely open to giving support and and answering questions. i am decently into politics and because of the circumstances i will try to give major updates if you guys want them. educate yourselves and other. stay vigilant and attentive over the next few years and stay safe. love you guys!!! xoxo