
good soup


I got this ad for wishbone and whoever thinks macaroons are better than doughnuts ur moms gay


My hearts go out to the people manipulated by the girl, faking a suicide is disgusting and if people still need time please go in active for a while! I feel like even the people who only did say hi to the girl once and or gave her a prayer for her life ending so soon it must be so traumatic and you all deserve time to take a break. 
          ~love you all, afnan <3


@n-noahs some girl faked her suicide and really hurt a lot of people 


Wait what happened? 


I just wanna skip 20 years and become a depressed wine mom instead of a depressed sober teen 


@byclair now that’s the good kind of wine mom


@z-zoomers I’ll be a wine mom that hates mike in season two and loves lucas ✨