
and canelo wins again!! viva mexico cabrones!!! 


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it’s so hot where i am i’m dying slowly i’m supposed to walk all day tomorrow at six flags in this heat im excited for the rides but the heat is going to kill me guys make sure to drink lots of water in this almost heatwave bitch of a weather take care 


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i just finished the All for the Game trilogy.. i’m a fucking mess i feel like bursting into tears out of happiness, devastation, exhaustion so many mixed emotions plus i’m running on 6 hours of sleep after being awake for 23 hours i read the trilogy in three days.. GO FUCKING READ IT IF YOU HAVENT HOLY FÛCK IF I DONT SEE YOU BUYING/DOWNLODING THOSE BOOKS IN THE NEXT SECOND IM SINGING YOU ALL UP FOR A MARATHON! (please read the trigger warnings first though if you don’t want to read them after seeing them then fine) BUT OTHER THAN THAT NO EXCUSES!! GO FOXES! FOX FOREVER!! 
          i’m crying i’m not over it my heart is torn i don’t know what to do with myself anymore fuck- 


imagine assuming someone is straight? i assume gay until proven otherwise 


@PinkBitch_xo @Dalilahshigaraki SAME! my family assumed I would turn out gay more specifically bisexual throughout my childhood lol! 


@therermonstersnthec ON GOD
            my mom told me all through my childhood she could tell I wasn't straight


@therermonstersnthec lmao my mum assumed I was a lesbian all through childhood, she was only half right! XD