
ayee i got a iphone now bestie


Hey there! I'm @thewetweiners, but you can call me Kacey or sometimes Pegleg if you want! I noticed that your name was -daddydiggs, with its respective symbols, and wanted to let you know as a reminder or if this is new to you that Daveed has said before that he doesn't like being called daddy. I am respectfully asking that you take this information into consideration for changing your wattpad name. 
                                            Your fellow wattpader


@thewetweiners I see! No need to apologize. I'm sorry I misunderstood tho! Thank you for changing it though :) 


@thewetweiners actually my name isn't about Daveed lmao. It's an inside joke between my friends about Taye Diggs (they suggested that name), but I could see how you can mistaken it since I also like Daveed Diggs. I am gonna change it to prevent any future misinformation. I didn't know Daveed said that so also thanks for informing me Kacey! I will remember that. Sorry for that!


yo the fkstwkuc sequel is in my drafts collecting dust rn.
          - i am able to type in drafts again! i'll try to write again besties don't worry;)
          - i have a girlfriend!
          - i'll probably become active on here again idk.
          - school is kicking my ass recently so i'll probably start writing in late november. i know that seems long but trust me it's gonna come fast. 
          - if yall want to leave suggestions for anything dm me besties
          - i came out to my bsf and it turns out she's lesbian too it was a very confusing experience
          - october is my favorite month im really flourishing 
          i love yall bye now 


my friend bought a ticket for the billie eilish online concert and she is sharing it with me..... we are watching it together. so basically we're married now


@Potato221B DJDJDJDJ PLSSS dont worry im alive and well