
this message may be offensive
          	so i haven't been on here in like two years bc i hate pretty much everything i've ever written on here. i'm actually writing much better fics on my new acc @transthetic so please go read my new joshler fic over there. it's actually pretty good so far even though there's only one chapter. 
          	also i will never be using this acc again bc of how fucking cringey it is. ik people like it but i honestly hate my writing on here. 
          	so yes, please follow my new acc @transthetic
          	thank you for hopefully understanding. 
          	-alexander matthew caverly


this message may be offensive
heyo i changed my username again so yeah i'm over on this acc, please read my shit i need attention 


this message may be offensive
          so i haven't been on here in like two years bc i hate pretty much everything i've ever written on here. i'm actually writing much better fics on my new acc @transthetic so please go read my new joshler fic over there. it's actually pretty good so far even though there's only one chapter. 
          also i will never be using this acc again bc of how fucking cringey it is. ik people like it but i honestly hate my writing on here. 
          so yes, please follow my new acc @transthetic
          thank you for hopefully understanding. 
          -alexander matthew caverly


this message may be offensive
heyo i changed my username again so yeah i'm over on this acc, please read my shit i need attention 


oh my god! thank you for 1k on my gerard imagines! i really really  appreciate it seriously. 
          i'm really sorry i haven't updated anything in a while. i was in thailand for the last three weeks and just got back a few days ago. not really an excuse but oh well. plus my parents have restricted me to one hour on the internet a day when they're with me so it's difficult to find time to update anything. 
          so yeah i've been stressed but i'm working on a lot of stories at the moment so don't worry.
          cool cool bye guys and thank you!!!


"hey we're mystic spiral. but we might change our name."
          basically me with my name. wow i've been ella (my birth name in case you didn't know), phoenix alaska, elliot and now i think i've settled on alex.
          oh my god if i married alex gaskarth that's be weird. why do i think such weird things?
          oh well fuk yeah all time low!
          -alex (not gaskarth)


          so yeah due to my current obsession with all time low (i mean yeah i've been a fan for a few years but right now atl is my favourite band) i decided to name myself alex.
          it's mostly so that i don't feel awkward when i write 'colours' anymore. writing your own name in a story is odd to me, unless i'm writing my scott pilgrim-based book (coming soon!) which is just a bit of fun.
          so yeah, alex is cool.
          if i feel like being posh i'll be alexander.