❥ *nervous laughter in I might change the lyrics in my bio, not sure*

/ here you go ! Hajime often made it his job to take care of the other, even if Nagito could be a pain and hard to convince when it came to being cared for. Though today was different, Nagito curled into his side with a tight grip onto his shirt, leaving him unable to get up. “ Hey..let up on my shirt a bit.. “ He mumbled, placing a hand on Nagito’s cheek gently and tapping it with his thumb. “ You’re a big puppy.. get up. “

@-reservedhope The silverette was clingy for personal matters, abandonment issues, ptsd.. all of that stuff. He would be an actual puppy if he had the energy to lay on him, but he just felt so weak and heavy yet the boney male was as light as a feather. "Alright." Not what he wanted, but he'd deal with it, it was better than being forced to let go of Hajime. While today may be bumpy, it wouldn't surprise him, just another day in the life of Nagito Komaeda -- but it would be okay as long as he had the others company. The feeling of loneliness killed him faster then his actual illnesses, how ironic. "We can stay laid down for now?" He asked, wanting to confirm, keep in mind he was exhausted so he seemed a bit loopy and his body was confused on why pills had gone down but nothing happened.

@-nurseryrhymes Hajime let out a long sigh as the other responded, though he wasn’t too surprised that the other didn’t want to get up. He was lucky Nagito wasn’t being an actual puppy and laying on him, it’d completely stop him from getting up until the other was ready. “ We’ve gotta get up, but you don’t have to let go of me.. I’ll just pick you up. “ He made a compromise, gently running his finger along his jaw then placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. If Hajime wasn’t mistaken, Nagito’s meds hadn’t been working today.. and that meant today would probably be a little bumpy but that was okay. “ But we can lay here for a bit longer, it’s what you need. “ A small grin came to his face, bringing the other closer to him for both of their comfort.

@-reservedhope ❥ thank you! Nagito never understood why he did that, take care of him is what the silverette means. He wasn't too stubborn, not at all -- but nor was he obedient and accepting of things that shouldn't happened to him such as being heavily mistreated, or even taken care of as he felt like he didn't deserve the warm care Hajime provided him. He hummed softly as he heard the brunettes voice and felt his touch, one pastel green eye peering open to stare up at him. "I don't want to get up." Blunt. That's how he was, blunt and honest, but also at the same time mischievous and what people would call bonkers. Today just.. he needed to cling onto the other, his medication wasn't working today due to his bad luck that overpowers the good, yet he still showed off a twisty smile like a candy cane, fragile and overly sweet like one aswell.

❥ cb for starter + specify the mood~! Would like to confirm,, my Nagito does have a different Personality in a few ways.