motivating myself to finish old fics i've almost entirely lost interest while working on new ones that actually excite me is actual hell...

keep saying imma finish them but imma be so fr, i cannot physically bring myself to write them sometimes cause one, the lack of motivation and two, the fact that it does not interest me as much as it used to. when i was younger, and first started my aphmau fics, i loved her content. every weekend me and my cousin would be sat in front of my moms computer and wait for her to drop her newest episode of minecraft diaries (and mystreet), but we grew older. it was fun to write about something i loved- at the time. and that time is no longer here. writing these fics was something akin to a hobby for me before, now it just feels like a chore. so please keep in mind my fics (the aphmau ones) will not be updated frequently. only when i seriously have nothing else to do or motivation to get something out hits me. thank you.