


How do other authors update so frequently and have so many completed works???
          Do you guys have day jobs? Do you even sleep? Are you superhuman?
          Please tell me your secrets, so I can at least finish one book.
          … p l e a s e …


The amount of research that went into making sure EVERYTHING is on point with the timeline of Devotare has officially made me realize that this book is my /baby/. I have never put so much effort into one single piece of literature


Am I the only one who spam likes stories??
          I used to be a “like-as-I-go” kind of reader, but now I like to get to the end of a book before I like it. It’s kind of impractical because if I like the book, I have to scroll through the entire thing and star EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER 
          What kind of voter are you? Do you vote as you read? Never vote? Spam voter like me? Or are you a picky voter and only star the chapters that are better than others?