Somethings about me:
<>I love to play piano - obviously <>
<> I love to sing <>
<> I love to write <>
<> I love to read <>
<> I love to dance <>
<> I am a Leo ♌️ <>
<> I absolutely love Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson & Heros Of Olympus <>
<> I am a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community <>
<> bi <>

Harry Potter:
~ Gryffindor ~
~ Halfblood ~
~ Beater ~
~ Favorite character(s): Luna, Ginny, Hermione, Fred and George, Sirius, Remus, James, Lily, Tonks, Minnie ~
~ OTP: JILY! ~
~ Fuck Snape ~
~ Fuck Snily ~

Other accounts:
@JilyOcGang (not just me)


Also, if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, or any other kind of phobic, kindly (not) GET THE FUCK OFF MY PAGE.

My page is a safe place.
  • Playing piano
  • Üye olduJuly 27, 2021