Hello there! I am a very big fan of your writing! I just wanna say I came to find your books upon seeing Royals X1 and I fell in love with it. Immensely. So I decided to wait for a few months since i wanted the book to be updated so badly but when I came back after 4-6 months I found my favourite book gone. So um, idk if this sounds too much of me but could you please allow me to read the book or maybe send me all the chapters or let me inherit the book? I really really love the book a lot, and it was one of my first X1 books ever, so with that being said, could you please please pretty please send me all the chapters of the book, or let me inherit the book? I really wanna be able to read the book again or continue it by myself.
But if you don't want to it's okay, I respect your decisions!! Please don't feel forced to do it if you don't want to, I just really wanna say my love out for the book you made!