my nitro just ended,
i told my friend that the last emoji i would use would be the dancing duck :duckdance: and it wasn't even the one i last used. i am disappointed in myself, the last one i used was :steve:, my gif pfp just stayed in one frame, my custom tag went back to a random tag, and :duckdance: in my status disappeared.
when i first got nitro, i didnt really care about it (sincesomeoneboughtitformecoughcough), but after a few days, it was my favorite thing in the whole world. i would use it 24/7, it became a part of me, and now it's gone. it was fun while it lasted, but it had to come in to an end. goodbye all the emojis i used on a daily, goodbye :duckdance:, and goodbye forever nitro classic, it was a fun run, goodbye (becauseimjusta15y/osoimbrokesoicantbuyit).
may 15th, 2020 1:46am - june 15th, 2020 1:50am .