I missed your birthday, I know. I didn’t have the heart to come back online on your birthday so sorry for never sending a happy birthday message to you... happy belated birthday? & god the 2nd anniversary of your passing is so close... I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, but I hope you’re happier in heaven. the funny thing is, I’m sure if you were still alive we’d have drifted apart, but since you just — you’ve been engrained into my head & I probably won’t ever forget you. I’ve gotten better, I don’t think about you every day & I guess that’s a sign that I’m finally healing but I still miss you. I wish I could’ve done something. I wish I knew where you were buried. I wish I could pay my respects. I wish I could put flowers on your grave but I can’t. I don’t know where you are. it’s funny how your online presence impacted me so much, many would say that I’m being dramatic over someone who I never met irl but back then & even now, some of my best friends are people I’ve never been able to physically see or hold. & maybe that’s part of the overwhelming sadness I feel sometimes when I think of you... I never had the chance to actually hug you or be with you to make you feel better. you were like a sister to me & although so much has changed, you changed my life in so many ways, both good & bad. I’ve rambled for far too long, I’m not sure I’ll be back for your anniversary — it might be too much for me to handle. just know, if you’re seeing this from among the angels (I’ll never stop making these puns), I love you. I love you so much & I hope you’re doing well,
— love, lance (to you, known as lays)
— 10.5.20 ,, 02.01 a.m.