
this message may be offensive
No because slim by @trickology actually fucked me up. I was NOT expecting that ending, and I despised it, however I absolutely love that she shed light on such an important issue. Amazing book.


this message may be offensive
I have had #BlackLivesMatter in my bio for YEARS, and have been educating people on the movement for YEARS. For people to try and tell me that I’m just “hopping on the trend” is so disgusting. Literally fuck you. This is the ONLY time I will address that outrageous statement. I haven’t spoken up on Wattpad, but I have been active on ALL my social media platforms. Black lives matter and will always fucking matter. We are valid. All lives won’t matter until black lives do. Here is that carrd with some links to help: https://t.co/e4qdVtQxzl It is constantly being updated. I will continue to sign petitions, donate, and educate people on the movement. I encourage you all to as well. Thank you, let’s fight this together because WE are the ones creating change.


honestly though. they, a non-black person, had the nerve to say that to my full black ass. foolery.


@-purplekingdom- Girl Ikyfl. Smh people really be sayin' dumb stuff