*drops On My Honor chapter 26 and runs*
SERIOUSLY THOUGH, I'm very happy to announce that after almost a year on hiatus (oops), On My Honor is BACK BABY!
I am also going to be switching from biweekly updates to "updates whenever I can" as I don't have any prewritten chapters at the moment. I just really wanted to get this out because god knows you guys have been waiting long enough for this, LMAO
I'm very, very sorry about the delay. I know I said I'd only be on hiatus with this fic for a few months while I adjusted to school, but that turned out to be way too optimistic. Junior year was rough, but I'm done with it now and I should have time to actually write again. In the end, it was for the best that I kept it on hiatus, as I was way too stressed out about school to even think about trying to manage writing at such a quick pace. In any case, if you've stuck around and waited for me to finally come back, thank you so much. Your patience is absolutely legendary.
Here's to the rest of Arc 2!