
i dont use wattpad so follow my twt instead !! i try to be funny @/takingabsinthe thanks bye see u all again in 6 months


i changed my theme AGAIN WTF but its sad cause ive had the christmas theme for months now *insert emojis i know wattpad cant handle* 
          but yes i changed my theme because kaashi eating onigiri is my new religion and he needs more love and affection and praise youre welcome


christmas sucks thank fod


go read my rant book rn because im very INTERESTING


this message may be offensive
Oh my fucking god you’re still active eye


this message may be offensive
Shit getting interesting 


im debating on writing a skephalo oneshot book :eyes: :lips: :eyes: 
          those 2 are like consistently in my mind and ive had so many ideas for so long so like tell me if ud want to read that pls ty 
          worst comes to worst ill just write it for myself so i can expand on my writing skills:sparkles:
          but yeah just tell me if ud read that even if my writing is tRASH lmaooo


did you do it yet 


cheistmas themeee!!!!
          because christmas needs to hurry up 


@s-starz yEEssSSsErfaskhskluedykekedgk


@s-starz so??? even more of a reason for christmas to hurry