
/ im bored
          	drop starters plz -


          	  / lol its fine
          	  and yeah you can , i dont mind


          	  / ok i'll drop something - ignore the old message, i didn't realize that post was from september 5th oops - uhm, can i also add you to my bio?


No talent


ur whole family
            (&&.  @Kamukura-kun 


"Hello Hajime, may I have a spot in your classmate section...?"


now gimme that hajime spot in your bio >:)
            (&&. @-Peko_Pekoyama-


holy crap it's been so long lmao
            do you still want the spot tho ?
            ( &&. @-Peko_Pekoyama-


          chiako frowned a bit as he had been looking down at the pink PSP , he had been playing megaman and with in 2 hours had beating most of the bosses . though he wanted to re-play though every megaman game but he found it slightly upsetting that he kept dying at one certain level . he continued to quickly tap on the buttons and somehow continue to walk into the new Cafe he wanted to try out . his soft pink eyes were staring down at the screen of small character shooting all sorts of weapons and expositive at each other . Chiako wore his regular dipish green gamer hoodie , with cat like eats on the top of it , with his Hopes  Peak Academy suit and tie under it . 
          he pushed the door to the warm cafe , with the side of his shoulder not wishing to take his hands away from his game . the clicking of his gaming system spread thought he small , yet comfy cafe . his lifeless pink eyes shot up for less then a millisecond , his hands ever stopping from moving across the buttons . his regular emotionless look on his face as his eyes shot back down . at first glace the cafe seemed pretty empty .  maybe two  or three people sitting on there laptop , and a note pad .
           Chiako let out a small sigh as he was now on his last life , yet he was finally about to beat the final boss , his fingers moving a bit faster and clicking multiple more buttons at a time , as he walked forward to the cafe counter to order his drink , his character only having one more hit , as well as the boss . once again once Chiako made it to the fount of the barista counter and glanced up , as his heart skipped a beat , and even his fingers stopped moving , his mouth dropped ever so slightly , as he looked into some of the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen . he heard the sound of his character dying , and a flash of a black screen with the words " GAME OVER " on the screen .
          chiako eyes never left the skipy haired male in fount of him , he lo


/ it's fine , don't worry ! and sorry for the late reply
            * hinata messed a bit with his spiky hair , a soft sigh escaping his mouth as he leaned against the counter slightly . not a lot of people were coming to the cafe this afternoon and his working shift was almost over .
            * hearing the sound of the door being pushed , the brunette's yellow - ish globes glance over to the side , seeing a mauve haired boy come in . he was too immersed in the gaming console's screen to notice hajime observe him from afar . something about the male piqued the barista's interest . the gamer seemed to be wearing the hope's peak main course uniform , so they were in the same academy .
            * hajime immediately straightened his position up when the mauvette walked up to the counter , looking back down at him . the boy opened his mouth but not a single word was heard , hajime ran a hand through his hair .  ❛ uhm ... ❜
            * ❛ oh , yeah ! we have hot chocolate . ❜ the barista responded , sending the main course student a small smile back . ❛ so , uh .. you want a smaller or bigger cup ? ❜ he asked .
            (( &&. @C-CHIAKO


looked right into his eyes , almost like he was in a trance . chiako open his mouth slightly to speak , but almost no words came out . this has never happened to him before , normally he would be very blunt and childish , though he cant seem to get it out of him . Chiako eyes glanced down at the name tag of the boy , Hajime . . ? uh . Chiako pulled his soft pink , cat backpack in front of him and softly placed his gaming system into his bag , causing a clacking sound with his other gaming consoles . 
            Chiako eyes looked back up to meet up with Hajime , as he gave a soft smile , tilting his head to the right slightly with his smile .
            ❝ ah . . hello . i was wondering if you all had any hot chocolate here . . ❞ he asked the slightly taller male , his voice was soft and soothing . yet it did almost sound monotone as well


·.¸¸.·♩♪♫ genre: ingame! mood: romantic! ♫♪♩·.¸¸.·
          jeez, what kind of a place was a killing game to catch feelings for someone? kaede could barely hold a conversation with hajime hinata anymore without getting all blushy. she was wondering what to do about all of this— she was worried that she might die before she ever knew if he returned her feelings. there had to be some kind of a method to tell him that she could be sure wouldn't put any pressure on him to say yes if he didn't want to.
          eventually, she settled on a note, leaving it right outside his cabin once everybody was asleep. it'd essentially said that she needed to talk to him about something, and wanted to meet with him at jabberwock park. it wasn't anything bad, she assured him, just something she wanted to say. if he was worried about his safety, he could show the note to someone else so they knew he was with kaede— or just not come at all, but the pianist would appreciate it if he came. she signed it off with a 'see you tomorrow!' and her name.
           it was difficult for her to sleep, as she kept critiquing what she'd already written in her head, but morning had arrived before she knew it.


            wait... what? there was no way that kaede had heard him right. *hajime hinata* shared her feelings? but that claim seemed to suddenly solidify when hajime pulled out an envelope. when and where had he wrote whatever was inside? still too stunned to give a legitimate answer, kaede held her hand out for the envelope. " can ... can i read it ? "


* ❛ i see ... ❜ hajime scratches the back of his neck , blushing faintly . listening to kaede tell him how amazing he is flustered him quite a bit , but her confession caught him off guard . ❛ ah ... um ... ❜ feeling his face heat up at her words , the brunette then took a deep breath to regain his composure .
            * ❛ akamatsu , i ... the feelings are mutual , i really like - no , i love you ! ❜ he admitted . ❛ i can't stop thinking about you , even in an situation like this . i love you so much , and i was actually planning to tell you that ... ❜ he pulled out an envelope from his pockets , chuckling softly . he actually intended to meet up with kaede first and confess to her , guess she beat him to it .
            (( &&. @akamatsu-


            " i ... " kaede continued to mess with her hands, looking off to the side so she didn't have to make eye contact. " yesterday was ... a lot . for all of us , i think . and it made me realize that i don't want anything to go unsaid , in case ... in case something like that happens to me . so , i know this probably won't mean much to you , but ... even though we haven't known each other for long , i feel like ... i just can't get you off my mind . hinata - kun , you're an amazing person , and you get along with anyone, and you're so thoughtful , and ... " she trailed off for a moment, before squeezing her eyes shut. " i ... i have feelings for you ! and i know that you probably don't feel the same way , but you deserve to know — and you don't need to accept my feelings , you can say anything you want in response , i just ... i just needed to say it ! " her cheeks had turned a dark pink color by this point, blushing furiously.


/ im bored
          drop starters plz -


            / lol its fine
            and yeah you can , i dont mind


            / ok i'll drop something - ignore the old message, i didn't realize that post was from september 5th oops - uhm, can i also add you to my bio?