Oh, I am so relieved! Um, well, I was wondering if I could request an Obsessive!Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Shy!Powerful!Beautiful!Oc story? Like—
Anakin Skywalker Dreams of a beautiful girl with waist-length bright red hair and the most beautiful amethyst eyes he has ever seen, a girl with a sweet and shy personality, but is a lioness on the battlefield. She is also powerful with the Force. He only knows of one planet that has bright red hair, but hers seemed to be even more vibrant than theirs, and no one has heard of the planet of red hairs with amethyst colored eyes. The more he dreams of her everyday, the more he becomes obsessed with her, to the point of him searching for her obsessively, he must have her, no matter what. And since he is dreaming of her, it must mean they are destined for each other, it was the only explanation.
Meanwhile, when Laena came to visit her best friend, Padmé Amidala, she had not expected to also meet a man with long golden-brown hair and beautiful bright blue eyes hungering after her.
Is this okay?