
trying a different marketing technique 


Hello dear! 
          Your work and book is absolutely beautiful and I really love it. I truly resonate with your work. My book is in the same genre as yours and my work is mostly on mental issues such as anxiousness, insecurities, self doubt. It even includes some romance and love poems as well. And of course why not betray. 
          To summarise, my book includes each and every component that affects and heals or sometimes damages our mental health.
          Some of my readers could even find themselves healing. If you look forward to such works that highlights mental issues, Deep Emotions is for you! I'm attaching the link below. Do give it a read if you look forward to my writings. 
          All the best to all your future works and I will surely support you throughout is journey of yours! Keep writing. Let's support ♥️


she died,
          but it’s never a sad thing
          death takes
          but “oh, the life she brings.” (someday i will stop saying this XD) 
          she breathed 
          the life into our sorrows
          and so, i can offer these words
          here’s a rebirth 
          there no hint or moment to miss
          here’s this 
          a subtle conversation piece 
          “where have you been?” confusion. 
          “‘Dunno, but i’m home now.” smile, maybe a shrug, she seems more relieved than mourning. 
          my red shirt, her gloomy room. pink essence. she’s older now. we both see.
          “me too.” goofy laugh. 
          we both see. 


maybe you’ll laugh and roll your eyes and say, “how dramatic, whatever that means.”
          poetry from a dead writer speaks. 
          “how deep.” amused.
          i too grow amused and confused on how these words could mean anything but love. but. love is not real. 
          she finally believes. 
          and that kind of poetry bleeds.
          all hopeful sonnets become a lie. 
          i have lied you see.
          i have died many years ago.
          nothing awoke her soul, except the promise of a lie.
          i don’t believe anymore 
          i don’t believe 


the only picture you’ll ever have to see
          the only poem you’ll need to read 
          the only don’t that i’ll ever sing
          until i wake 
          until i wake
          the words don’t sting 
          the songs don’t sing
          these eyes can’t see
          until i sleep 
          until i sleep