
merry christmas my lovelies !!


yall :((
          4k on ramen :((
          im so happy thank you so much fr its getting harder to believe the amount of support im getting on the book TT i never thought a random idea that popped out of nowhere would get the attention that it has. im so thankful to each one of you for making this happen <333
          loads of love xoxo,
          niki :3


3.5K reads yall omg on the verge of tears rn T^T 
          thank you so much for the support, and for waiting for me !! im also happy to say that im trying to get out of my block and that i have written out the outline again, so hopefully new chapters will be out soon~
          tysm once again :(( <333
          loads of love xoxo, 
          niki :3


@-sheepgardenwonnie-  congratsss authornimmm♡~~ you deserve it so much❤❤ This story is literally simple yet beautiful


omg hi yall <333
          sooo ramen reached 2K reads AND I DIDNT EVEN KNOW OML. 
          im so thankful to everyone who's supporting me, and once again I  sincerely apologize for the utter lack of updates, school and exams are hectic and I'm barely sleeping tbh TT I will upload whenever I get the time to edit my chapters, but Im thankful to everyone who's still here waiting I love yall smmmmm ty <333333
          lots of love,
          niki :3


@-sheepgardenwonnie- Im a loyal customer hahah but take all the time u need<33 I’ll still be here lol^^


@ewp987654321 im doing okayyy tysm for asking ! It makes me so happy to see that ur always here TT I cant promise an update soon but I'm trying, let's hope for the best ! ilyyy <33


          popping in again, but this time with good news! i'm working on the next chapter of ramen, woohoo!
          i'd also like to thank all of you for supporting me all the way, i'm so happy to say that my book has now crossed 1.8K reads. i never expected this to happen when i started writing, but i'm very glad and happy to see that my writing is enjoyed by people. thank you for all the love you've shown, y'all are the best  >3<
          i'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long, but i've finally got out of my slump/burnout/flop era, and i'm in a very motivated phase, so hopefully that means more chapters soon !
          and finally, ily all sm, thank you for waiting and being patient with me !  you've all been so understanding, so you all deserve a big hug and kisses mwah mwah ^^
          lots of love, 
          niki :3
          p.s. i have lots of new books in my drafts *wink wonk*