

//*deep inhale*
          Have you
          By any chance
          Seen strange magic?


            ( I will watch it after Sweeny Todd and another movie my friend is telling me to watch.. I have an account you might like now- )


            ( Nope, I didn't. I heard of it though. Saw edits of it. )


( OKAY before I post my first goetia Blitz starter, I have a teenie tiny question.. Who wants me to write a story. I have adhd, I might forget about it sometimes, but I'm willing to write a story for ya'll. )


            ( *sigh* I hope some people are werewolf fans or something, cause if not I will burrow up in a corner and sleep alone. )


            ( I might have an idea on something. Though I'm very unsure about it. )


( Anyone can answer this starter, however I'm going to not answer for a bit. )
          Blitz was sitting in his office, looking at the person in the chair in front of him before asking. "So.. Why are you here? You need someone to kill or do you need a job?" 


( Alright, I'm going ti go in a temporary theme. Blitz being a goetia. It'll still be the normal Blitz just more birdier and.. idk. )


            ( want me to drop a starter on your mb? )


            ××I wanna rp-××


( I just realized I can use the word birb now. A funny word :D )