
||cb + specify (optional), muse has returned ; responses will be tomorrow some time! 


"¡Hola, guapo! <Hello, handsome!>" she greeted the other, as she brought him a bag -- placing it down by his side carefully. "Got you the weapons you requested. I can't help but feel like you were testing me, though. You could've got them yourself, couldn't you? Why hiring me?"


// visiting Miguel and Moon Knight next, dear xx


"It's funny when you think about it... the people you can end up running into in this city, this late at night."
          // <33


She didn't seem at all impressed when he aimed his gun at her. In fact, she continued to enjoy her cigarette peacefully, before commenting: "I can see why they want you dead," was all she said, completely ignoring everything he was asking her. Instead, just moving the sunglasses to rest on the top of her head — weary, grey eyes finding the man's. "I have another proposition..." she tapped the comms in her ear, spoke something in Russian, then a small, red laser dot appeared on his chest. "We chat. If I don't like your answers, my friend on the roof k1lls you. That simple."


@-greywidows || 
            “That long? You’re too kind to me~” Dom leaned towards her, winking before quickly pulling the handgun he had hidden in his coat and aiming it at her. “Here’s my proposition. You let me walk away and I let you walk away. Seems fair, doesn’t it? Although I’m curious, who sent you to kill me? Someone must want me dead something /awful/ if they paid for you to do the deed.” He tilted his head to the side, going silent as he waited for her response. 
            || <33 


She took in his appearance with an unimpressed look; she too knew who he was, at least, had heard plenty of stories about him -- it wasn't exactly the image she had in mind, not that it was important. The expensive clothes meant nothing to them, other than he was a well dressed jerk -- but still a jerk. They picked up their lighter and lit up a cigarette for themself, taking a long drag as she rested her back against the wall. They quirked an eyebrow, looking at him over their sunglasses. "It seems you have it all figured out. But, first -- you have it until I finish my cigarette to convince me not to pull the trigger."
            // absolutelyyy !! thank youu as well, dear xx


||ceeebeee and I’ll get to it in the morning! 


*   i’m only three days late, it’s fine. </3 but pls!!


/        pleaseeeeee :*


          “Why would I stop? Oh darling, I /live/ for this.” 
          He has two names and lives in two different worlds. On the good nights, he goes by Dom, the only one of the infamous Brenauhs left alive. From a prestigious German/Irish family, he lives off of the money his father and brothers worked so hard to make. A lavish lifestyle, involving clubs, strippers, drugs, and whatever he desires. He’s bringing his family’s empire down to its knees. 
          “Get. Down. If you move, I’ll put a bullet in your head.” 
          On the other nights he’s known by Morbach. Named after a wolf in German myth, when he gets bored he goes out in search of something fun to do. He may be burning his family’s empire down to the ground during the day, but in the shadows he’s building his own and it can get quite messy. So beware, or you might just get bit. 
          “Sweetheart, my bite is definitely worse than my bark.” 


“Beer please, Mike.” He asked the bartender as he sat on the stool next to Anna before giving her the most happy and tired smile. “Thank you. It’s just something I love doing…it’s not hard to make art and music when you have a deep passion behind it.” He commented with laugh as he loosened his neck tie with a finger and thanked the bartender for the beer. “Thank you for staying and enjoying music.” He took a sip of his beer before setting it back down, “you know it’s people like you that help to bring this industry alive. People who will sit and enjoy the music. People who will fall in love…just like the musician.” 
          || @-scarletwidcw 


“Then it’s settled. Wait here.” Seb left her with a wink and a little tap on the bar next to her as he bounced off onto the stage in the middle of the dimly lit room. His dark maroon suit complimented the low colored lights that lit the inside of the club. As he grabbed the microphone he gave a little greeting and thanked the musicians one by one. “I’ll give you all one more parting gift since that was our last set.” He spoke to the crowd who clapped as he made his way over to the piano and sat down. The club went silent as he began to play, his fingers moving easily across the keys. The music floated around the room soft and gentle before exploding into a million different colors it seemed. Finally, after awhile, the music slowed to rolling close and he finished the piece to applause. “Thank you all for coming, enjoy the night!” He called out as he stood up and made his way off the stage, hoping Anna was still at the bar. 
          || @-scarletwidcw 


The owner nodded towards her in response to her thanks and was about to head off before pausing and turning back around, “listen, I just have to get up and say a couple of words and then I’m good for the rest of the night. What are you doing after this?” He asked, leaning against the bar next to her, tapping his feet slightly as the crowd applauded the musicians who had finished the set. “Because we close soon and if you want to hang around I could give you a private tour of the place and we could maybe talk some more about music and just…chat.” He offered waiting for her response with that crooked half-smile of his. 
          || @-scarletwidcw honestly they are awful— <33