
After so loooong I'm back and it's my birthday 


Hey guys.... I have to tell u something.... I won’t be on wattpad after the 28, so if anyone wants to ask me something on my Q&A go ahead but after the 28 I won’t be able to answer or do any of them. The reason why I won’t be able to is bc my mom doesn’t want me to have this app on my phone bc she read one of my boy x boy fanfics and it had smut in it and she didn’t like that also I was 9 when I was reading it and now she thinks wattpad is just “full of bad stories like that” it was 4 years ago and she still doesn’t want me to have the app and I won’t have my laptop or iPad with me....it really sucks but I’ll live (lol) but whenever I figure out a way to get on here I will, but it might take some time...
          Thank you for understanding!


This is for people who have a hard time.My mother is very strict and she’s Christian...she also doesn’t really support the LGBTQ+ community...she doesn’t like the fact I like girls and she just thinks it’s a phase (I’ve liked girls sense I was 8/9) I came out bi when I was 10 but when I started middle school I wasn’t sure if I liked guys  (I dated a girl who was my best friend and she also liked me in 5th grade) but we broke up in the middle of the school year...but we’re still friends I dated a guy I didn’t really want to be in a relationship with him....it just made us feel awkward bc I acted like a guy and I talked to him as if I was one of his guy friends and he broke up with me... I really didn’t care cuz I liked another girl (yeah I wasn’t to bright) I ended up dressing up like a guy and I had a bit of a “boyish” voice so people would look at me confused (I also had really long hair so I would braid it or put it in a bun) I ended up confused bc I started dressing up as a girl again (cuz I started feeling girly) but then I would dress up as a guy a again as if I was a boy (I ended up googling up why I kept on doing that) then I found out I was gender fluid....and I also found out I didn’t like guys....and I told my mom everything.....she didn’t like it....NOW I’m in 7th grade (going to 8th) and I’m still the same and I feel more comfortable this way and no it’s not because other people are doing it and “it’s a new trend and all my friends are doing it” as my mom says... I do it because it’s me... and it makes me happy even if there are people out there saying negative things...I just want to say this, All those people who say bad things about me I don’t really care what those guys think about me even if it’s the cold truth, it just doesn’t work on me, I’ve been insulted many times, threatened, and beaten up because of who I am, but just because those who do that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop being me...
            I will keep being me and no one can tell me otherwise.


Hey everyone I just had the best or worst idea ever! Idk but I kinda want to do a ZOOM meeting and anyone can join but I just want to make sure if anyone is down to do it (and it can be on certain days) I just want it to be like a nice chat and people can give me suggestions/ideas  or give other writers ideas/suggestions! So to anyone is down to do this let me know!


Sup dudes, anyone else bored?


@xxx_MASK_xxx ´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `


@xxx_MASK_xxx mhm...it’s horrible...


@xxx_MASK_xxx  yep same here....