I know it's been ages since I was last active on this account.
Honestly, a lot of things have changed for me (especially after the whole pand*mic years), and well, all that has led to me being less active on this account
But either way, looking back on this account (that I mostly just use for silently reading stories now), I'm glad for all the positive and memories I had through the two accounts and the many years I spent on this site through my teen years. Sure, it's been a hell of a rollercoaster, going through multiple fandom phases and stumbling into things that i shouldn't have stumbled upon... but in spite of all that chaos, I'm glad to have also made new friends through the stories I enthusiastically commented on and supported
It has also honestly been wild seeing this site change into something unrecognizable -- I miss the days when it was just a free site that let you have an unlimited amount of free books to save offline before the whole 'premium' and 'coins' thing rolled in.
I'm mostly gonna keep this account up for archival purposes -- mostly because I value many of the positive memories I've made here. I do plan on continuing to make stories, but nowadays, I mostly try to draw/make art for said story concepts (and the ocs I've also thought up alongside them.), and I've thought of mostly presenting my stories through art. Who knows? Maybe you'll stumble upon them somewhere else on the interwebs.
Anyways, hope you all are okay out there. See you all out there, somewhere on the interwebs.
Yours truly,