
          	I know it's been ages since I was last active on this account.
          	Honestly, a lot of things have changed for me (especially after the whole pand*mic years), and well, all that has led to me being less active on this account
          	But either way, looking back on this account (that I mostly just use for silently reading stories now), I'm glad for all the positive and memories I had through the two accounts and the many years I spent on this site through my teen years. Sure, it's been a hell of a rollercoaster, going through multiple fandom phases and stumbling into things that i shouldn't have stumbled upon... but in spite of all that chaos, I'm glad to have also made new friends through the stories I enthusiastically commented on and supported
          	It has also honestly been wild seeing this site change into something unrecognizable -- I miss the days when it was just a free site that let you have an unlimited amount of free books to save offline before the whole 'premium' and 'coins' thing rolled in.
          	I'm mostly gonna keep this account up for archival purposes -- mostly because I value many of the positive memories I've made here. I do plan on continuing to make stories, but nowadays, I mostly try to draw/make art for said story concepts (and the ocs I've also thought up alongside them.), and I've thought of mostly presenting my stories through art. Who knows? Maybe you'll stumble upon them somewhere else on the interwebs. 
          	Anyways, hope you all are okay out there. See you all out there, somewhere on the interwebs.
          	Yours truly,


          I know it's been ages since I was last active on this account.
          Honestly, a lot of things have changed for me (especially after the whole pand*mic years), and well, all that has led to me being less active on this account
          But either way, looking back on this account (that I mostly just use for silently reading stories now), I'm glad for all the positive and memories I had through the two accounts and the many years I spent on this site through my teen years. Sure, it's been a hell of a rollercoaster, going through multiple fandom phases and stumbling into things that i shouldn't have stumbled upon... but in spite of all that chaos, I'm glad to have also made new friends through the stories I enthusiastically commented on and supported
          It has also honestly been wild seeing this site change into something unrecognizable -- I miss the days when it was just a free site that let you have an unlimited amount of free books to save offline before the whole 'premium' and 'coins' thing rolled in.
          I'm mostly gonna keep this account up for archival purposes -- mostly because I value many of the positive memories I've made here. I do plan on continuing to make stories, but nowadays, I mostly try to draw/make art for said story concepts (and the ocs I've also thought up alongside them.), and I've thought of mostly presenting my stories through art. Who knows? Maybe you'll stumble upon them somewhere else on the interwebs. 
          Anyways, hope you all are okay out there. See you all out there, somewhere on the interwebs.
          Yours truly,


Tbh, turning 1 year older is as fun as it sounds.
          Anyways, happy friggin’ birthday to me. *blows airhorn and unleashes confetti everywhere*
          Still working on updating and editing my works, but I’m getting there eventually, tbh.
          Anyways, hope you had a good day, and see you all soon.
          Yours truly,




so yeah, your friendly neighbourhood fanfic author is back with some things to say for the new year:
          the thing is, looking back on my work, I realise that a lot of what I wrote back then in 2017-2018 need some improvement: sure, I know you all love the many ideas that I’ve sprouted from my mind into words on digital pages, but the thing is, *sighs* looking back on some of my work, I can’t help but feel like they could use some improvement.
          Not to mention that some of my other works have remained on hiatus for such a long time due to writer’s block, and the thing is, just letting them sit there not updated just doesn’t feel right, y’know.
          So here’s the thing - I’ll have to take down some of my not-updated fics and some chapters of my fics so that I can edit them and hopefully get them up and going again. (And maybe reboot some old fics with new ideas.) I sincerely apologise for any hassle this may cause you, and I hope that you all understand that I’m trying my best to improve my ideas and hopefully give you all a better experience reading my fics.
          Anyways, hope you had a good day, and see you all soon!
          Yours truly,


just came back from the endless depths of my hiatus to say happy new year (or early happy new year, depending on where you’re from) to y’all! may 2019 may be a better year for all of us and I sincerely wish you all the best!
          Anyways, upcoming important message about my fics may be updated later from now, so pls stay tuned.
          Anyways, see you all soon!
          Yours truly,


*deep long sigh* I know I’ve been away for a long time, but here am I again, speaking out after so much inactivity.
          Anyways, I just want to say one thing - 
          R.I.P Stan Lee, creator of the Marvel universe, who made many lives memorable and who brought to life many unforgettable characters. We will all remember you.
          Gosh, as a part-time Marvel fan - The news hit me hard, I’ll admit. I... I just couldn’t believe that he’s gone now.
          May he rest in peace, and never be forgotten.
          Anyways, see you all soon.
          Yours truly,


Please don’t mind me, but I’m just gonna be changing up the themes of my reading list while in the process of renovating this account, so I hope it’s ok with you and that you understand why some of my reading lists might disappear and change names tbh
          Anyways, see you all soon! 
          Yours truly,


I hope you all don’t mind, but I’m just going to unpublish some chapters of my fics because tbh I feel like some of them need a major rewrite (a.k.a just some revising and updating of some plot details and making some characters more fleshed-out and solid).  I’m just doing my best to make the reading experience for you all more easier and better, and I hope you all can be ok with that tbh.
          Anyways, see you all soon!
          Yours truly,


So I’ve been hit with this burst of inspiration to rewrite some chapters of my fics and drafts and then I was wondering one thing:
          Would you guys be okay if I decided to give my profile a little makeover? Y’know, change up the profile and background pics, edit my profile description a bit, and maybe revise some of the vital plot points in my books? 
          Tbh I feel like changing up some things since I’ve come so far on my WP journey, and have been updating some things about my little fictional universe, and I may or may not have decided to just make a fresh start and rewrite a few of my fics and maybe publish some new ones I’ve been planning for a long time, and honestly I was just hoping you guys would be ok with that tbh.
          Anyways, see you all soon!
          Yours truly,


It's your account, do whatever you want with it


So, apparently, I’ve been hearing that apparently, WP is now allowing my messages to appear on everyone’s notification feeds or smth
          And now I hear that they’re supposedly deleting some accounts or something like that....
          *deep breath* pls tell me that the second one isn’t true I don’t want to go through the trouble of losing my WP account again
          but anyways, I might plan on making a backup account just in case
          anyways, see you all (hopefully) soon.
          Yours truly,


@-skywaIklnq do you know how they're deleting accounts or how they're choosing them? 


Hey, everyone.
          Just wanted you all to know again that it seems like I’ll also have to do some aesthetic revisions to my playlist book, so I’ll unpublish that one for a while, and I hope you understand that I’m just trying to edit my fics to be more fitting for my aesthetic tbh
          Anyways, see y’all soon.
          Yours truly,